This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
Abductive Reasoning | |
abstract domain | |
abstract domain combinator | |
abstract interpretation | |
Abstraction refinement | |
abstraction-refinement | |
access control | |
Amortized Complexity | |
Approximate Reachability | |
approximation | |
ATL and ATL* | |
Atomicity | |
Automata | |
Automatic verification | |
B | |
Bi-Abduction | |
Biological Networks | |
biological systems | |
biology | |
bisimulation | |
bit-vector | |
Bit-vector Preprocessing | |
bit-vectors | |
bmc | |
Bound Analysis | |
bounded model checking | |
Büchi automata | |
C | |
Causality | |
cloud computing | |
compiler intermediate representation | |
concurrency | |
Concurrent Data Structures | |
Concurrent datatypes | |
Concurrent programs | |
conference management system | |
confidentiality | |
constraint solving | |
controller synthesis | |
convex hull | |
countermeasures | |
coverability problem | |
Craig interpolation | |
D | |
Datapath Abstraction | |
decision procedure | |
decision procedures | |
declassification | |
deductive program verification | |
deductive verification | |
determinization | |
Device Drivers | |
differential power analysis | |
distributed version control systems | |
DPLL | |
DPLL(T) | |
E | |
Energy games | |
Engineering | |
epistemic temporal specification | |
F | |
Finite and Infinite Transition Systems | |
First-order temporal logic | |
first-order theorem proving | |
floating point | |
Floyd-Hoare logic | |
formal methods | |
Formal verification | |
G | |
Games | |
ghost code | |
git | |
GPU | |
graph decomposition | |
graphics processing units | |
H | |
hardware | |
heap structures | |
horn | |
hybrid automata | |
hybrid systems | |
I | |
ic3 | |
IC3/PDR | |
imperfect information | |
inductive invariant | |
inductive synthesis | |
Industrial automation | |
information-flow security | |
instability | |
intermediate verification language | |
Interpolation | |
intersection | |
invariant synthesis | |
Invariants | |
K | |
k-liveness | |
L | |
Lazy Annotation | |
learning | |
Lexicographic Ranking Function | |
linear algebra | |
linear constraints | |
Linear Temporal Logic | |
linear transformation | |
Linearizability | |
logic | |
loop invariants | |
LTL | |
M | |
Many core | |
Max-SMT | |
MCMC | |
mean payoff | |
memory fence synthesis | |
Memory Safety | |
Minkowski sum | |
Mode checking | |
model checking | |
Model Synthesis | |
Multi-agent systems | |
N | |
Nested words | |
non-interference | |
Nonlinear Real Arithmetic | |
Nontermination | |
P | |
parallel computing | |
Parametrized systems | |
partial order reduction | |
pdr | |
perfect masking | |
Petri nets | |
predicate abstraction | |
Privacy policy compliance | |
probabilistic systems | |
Program repair | |
program synthesis | |
program transformation | |
program verification | |
Programmable logic controllers | |
Property Directed Reachability | |
property-driven | |
Property-Driven Reachability | |
Q | |
QBF | |
quantifier elimination | |
quantifiers and theories | |
Quasi-Invariants | |
R | |
reachability analysis | |
reactive synthesis | |
realizability | |
recursion | |
regression test selection | |
relational | |
relative error | |
Rewriting | |
Runtime monitoring | |
S | |
SAT | |
SAT modulo theories | |
SAT solving | |
Satifiability Modulo Theory | |
Satisfiability Modulo Theories | |
Scalable Unbounded Verification | |
Sea Urchin Development | |
Security | |
security vulnerabilities | |
separation logic | |
Sequentialization | |
sets | |
shape analysis | |
side channel attacks | |
Simulation and alternating simulation | |
SMT | |
SMT solvers | |
software model checking | |
Software synthesis | |
Software Verification | |
Solver | |
splittiing | |
stability | |
state space analysis | |
Static Analysis | |
Strategy Logic | |
String solvers | |
strings | |
superposition calculus | |
support function | |
Symbolic Automata | |
Symbolic Model Checking | |
symbolic orthogonal projections | |
symbolic simulation | |
Symbolic Time bounds | |
symbolic transducers | |
synthesis | |
T | |
Tableau | |
termination | |
termination analysis | |
theorem proving | |
Theory combination | |
Theory of Strings | |
timed verification | |
Tools | |
two-player games | |
type system | |
U | |
unwinding relation | |
V | |
verification | |
verification tools | |
Visibly Pushdown Languages | |
W | |
Weak Memory Models | |
X | |
XML Processing |