POS Program Committee
The program committee of POS-14 is shown below.
- Josep Argelich (Universitat de Lleida)
- Anton Belov (University College Dublin)
- Armin Biere (Johannes Kepler University)
- Michael Codish (Ben-Gurion University)
- Marijn Heule (The University of Texas at Austin)
- Mikolas Janota (INESC-ID Lisboa)
- Dejan Jovanović (New York University)
- Jean Marie Lagniez (CRIL-CNRS, Université d'Artois)
- Daniel Le Berre (CNRS - Université d'Artois) - chair
- Norbert Manthey (TU Dresden)
- Olivier Roussel (CRIL - CNRS UMR 8188, France)
- Naoyuki Tamura (Information Science and Technology Center, Kobe University, JAPAN)
- Allen Van Gelder (University of California, Santa Cruz) - chair