The EPiC Series: EasyChair Proceedings and Collections

The EPiC series provide fast and flexible publication of proceedings and collections in various areas of science. We publish online but can also print hardcopies on demand. EPiC is integrated with the EasyChair conference management part, thus providing a seamless process of submission-to-publication of reviewed content. All material is formatted using the EasyChair LaTeX class file or EasyChair Word style, to ensure a consistent easy to read presentation.

Every Series has an ISSN number. EPiC Series volumes are indexed in

EPiC Series to be indexed in Scopus

EasyChair received a confirmation from the Scopus Content Selection & Advisory Board that EPiC Series in Computing will be indexed in Scopus.

Largest ever volume published

EasyChair published its largest ever volume Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Hydroinformatics in the EPiC Series in Engineering. The volume contains 299 papers.

EPiC Series in Technology launched

EasyChair launched EPiC Series in Technology with its first volume containing Proceedings of klingt gut! 2017 – international Symposium on Sound.

All You Have to Know About the EPiC Series

EasyChair is committed to open access publishing. We created EPiC with the aim of creating a model of affordable high-quality open access publishing:

  • To make it affordable we cut costs by using the EasyChair environment to produce volumes using a high level of automation, thus saving time to the authors and the editors.
  • To achieve high quality content we use the EasyChair data about conference reviewing. Further, we create and maintain convenient and nice looking templates for published volumes and papers. We assemble strong editorial boards to help us to make decisions.
  • Our publications are truly open access. As soon as a volume is ready, it is published and the articles are accessible to everybody at no cost in the EasyChair repository.
  • We are staying up to date with innovations in publishing and are creating new technologies. We are committed to indexing, the use of open data and semantic technologies.
  • All articles are offered for relevant major indexes depending on their areas, for example Scopus, Engineering Village (Compendex), Google Scholar, DBLP and PubMed.
  • The copyrights of EPiC articles are owned by their authors.
  • The Epic Series is fully integrated with the EasyChair smart program feature for generating and publishing conference programs. Your program will have links to the volume and talks in the program will have links to corresponding published papers. Also, the published volume and papers will have links to the conference program, thus providing a better visibility and information quality both for your conference Web pages and the papers.

Most Recent Volumes