Information for Volume Editors

To publish an EPiC Series or Kalpa Publications volume, you should submit a proposal through EasyChair. To do so, you need an EasyChair account. When you log in to EasyChair, use the menu tabs EasyChair -> Publish with us.

Application and Publishing Workflow

You can either apply for proceedings of a conference hosted by EasyChair or for any other volume. The volume does not have to be conference or workshop proceedings, it can be any other collection of papers.

The workflow is then the following.

  1. You submit a proposal. You will have to fill out a form with information about your volume.
  2. We evaluate your proposal and either accept or reject it. We can also ask you some questions during the evaluation.
  3. If we decide to accept the proposal, we will send you an offer.
  4.  If you accept the offer, we will send you a contract to sign. 
  5. You should sign the contract and pay a deposit as agreed in the contract.
  6. We will create your volume in EasyChair and you can start assembling it. We will also assign an EasyChair supervisor for your volume.
  7. When the volume is ready, you should settle the balance (excluding the deposit).
  8. We publish the volume.
  9. If your conference uses the EasyChair smart program feature to generate the conference program, your program will have links to the volume and talks will have links to corresponding published papers. Also, the published volume and papers will have links to the conference program.
We publish all volumes online. We can also have a high-quality printed volume, but in that case the production time will be longer.

Publication Ethics

Our editors are advised to check our publication ethics page.