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Application Development and Training for Web Based Online Transportation for Koperasi Jasa TKBM Sampalan Emas Internusa in Sampalan Nusa Penida

EasyChair Preprint 9026

11 pagesDate: October 8, 2022


Nusa Penida is one of the tourism destinations in Bali which is in great demand by domestic and foreign tourists. With the increasing number of tourists who come to visit Nusa Penida, many people suddenly rent out cars and motorbikes. Transportation that operates as a rental vehicle does not have an ASK (Special Rental Transport) permit. Seeing this condition, Br. Sampalan Nusa Penida built the Sampalan Emas Internusa TKBM Service cooperative to be able to coordinate rental transportation in Nusa Penida to have an ASK permit, one of the requirements of which is to have a cooperative that must have a Web-based online transportation application. Seeing this condition, we collaborated with cooperatives to create online transportation applications and provide training on the use of applications to cooperative members. This application is named "RAISA" which means Ride In Nusa.

Keyphrases: Application, Online Transportation, web-based

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Elina Rudiastari and Sri Adriati Asri and I Made Sura Ambarajaya},
  title     = {Application Development and Training for Web Based Online Transportation for Koperasi Jasa TKBM Sampalan Emas Internusa in Sampalan Nusa Penida},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 9026},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2022}}
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