Author:Rama Murthy Garimella

EasyChair Preprint 12579
EasyChair Preprint 13550
EasyChair Preprint 12579
EasyChair Preprint 12450
EasyChair Preprint 11692
EasyChair Preprint 11692
EasyChair Preprint 11692
EasyChair Preprint 11550
EasyChair Preprint 11381
EasyChair Preprint 10708
EasyChair Preprint 798
EasyChair Preprint 798
EasyChair Preprint 10708
EasyChair Preprint 798
EasyChair Preprint 10708
EasyChair Preprint 798
EasyChair Preprint 798
EasyChair Preprint 4990
EasyChair Preprint 7383
EasyChair Preprint 821
EasyChair Preprint 6678
EasyChair Preprint 4990
EasyChair Preprint 4887
EasyChair Preprint 1473
EasyChair Preprint 490
EasyChair Preprint 2094
EasyChair Preprint 798
EasyChair Preprint 2094
EasyChair Preprint 2528
EasyChair Preprint 798
EasyChair Preprint 2448
EasyChair Preprint 1913
EasyChair Preprint 798
EasyChair Preprint 2281
EasyChair Preprint 2281
EasyChair Preprint 2267
EasyChair Preprint 2094
EasyChair Preprint 798
EasyChair Preprint 1913
EasyChair Preprint 821
EasyChair Preprint 821
EasyChair Preprint 821
EasyChair Preprint 1473
EasyChair Preprint 1416
EasyChair Preprint 821
EasyChair Preprint 821
EasyChair Preprint 821
EasyChair Preprint 1110
EasyChair Preprint 1002
EasyChair Preprint 821
EasyChair Preprint 866
EasyChair Preprint 821
EasyChair Preprint 798
EasyChair Preprint 490
EasyChair Preprint 490
EasyChair Preprint 608
EasyChair Preprint 490
EasyChair Preprint 490


algebraic geometry, approximation, architectures, Artificial Neural Networks2, Associative memories, associative memory, Auto-encoder, Auto-encoders, BIBO stability, Cayley-Hamilton theorem, Classification, Cognitive Radio2, Companion matrix, Condensed Photons, convergence theorem, convolution, Convolutional Neural Networks, Correlation filters, Deep Neural Networks, delay optimization, Diophantine equation, distributed computation, Divide and Conquer, Downlink, dynamic synapse, efficient algorithms, eigenvalues6, Eigenvector, Eigenvectors3, Einstein Equation, emotion, Entropic Polynomials, epsilon perturbation, equilibrium distribution, Even Dimension, G/M/1 Type Markov Chains, Genus Theorem, Gibbs entropy2, Hadamard matrix, Hamiltonian cycle, Hamiltonian path, Higher Powers of Matrix, Highly Composite Numbers, Hopfield network, Hopfield neural network3, incremental learning, information theory, input-output representation, integer matrices, integral equations, isomorphic graphs, Laplacian matrix, linear filter, Localization Theorem, Lower Bound on Complexity, Markov chains, Matrix Polynomial Equation, Matrix Quadratic Equations, Microwaves, Orthogonality, performance evaluation, Permutation Matrices, Physics-informed neural networks, Planck's law, polar coordinates, Poles, polynomial-time algorithm, PP Class, prime numbers, probabilistic algorithm, Quadratic Filters, quadratic form2, quadratic forms, Quark Strings, queueing theory, Rate matrix, recursive computation, Relative Stability, rotation invariance, Rouche's Theorem, Sensing Bands, sensing time, Shannon entropy2, Spatial Modulation, spectral efficiency, spectral representation, spectrum sensing, spherical coordinates, Spherical Seperability, spread spectrum, stable states3, state space representation, statistical measures, Synaptic weights, synthesis, threshold decomposition, transfer function, Transient distribution, Tsallis entropy2, unique factorization, Unit Symmetric Hypercube, variance, Vertex degree distribution, Weak Superposition, wireless networks, Wireless Sensor Network.