Author:Antony J. Hodgson



3D ultrasound2, Artificial X-rays, Automation, Bone, Bone drilling, Bone Segmentation2, C-arm2, C-arm fluoroscopy, cancellous, challenge, Clinical outcome prediction, Coherent Point Drift registration, Computer-assisted orthopaedic surgery3, computer assisted surgery, Convolutional Neural Network2, Coordinate Transformation Calibration, Coronal Plane Alignment of the Knee (CPAK), Cortical, Database study3, Decaf, deep learning2, depth camera, developmental dysplasia of the hip3, Digitally reconstructed radiographs, display, Drilling sound, dynamic assessment, dysplasia, Education, femoral head coverage, fixation, Gap balancing, HIP, iliosacral screw insertion, image transformation, Localization, machine learning3, Measured-resection, Medical Imaging, Open Database, Orthopaedic Fixation, Orthopaedics2, Orthopedic & Trauma Surgery, Pediatric orthopedics, pedicle screw2, Pelvic fractures2, pelvis, population study, pose estimation, quality assessment, Segmentation3, SIFT feature extraction, smart instrument, surgical drill, Surgical guidance, surgical navigation7, Surgical outcome prediction, surgical planning, surgical targeting, tissue identification, Total knee arthroplasty2, training, Transfer Learning, Ultrasound6, Video Augmented C-arm Flouroscopy, Video - X-ray Overlay, Virtual X-rays, Volume stitching, X-Ray Vision.