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Investigation of Skill Sets for Multiskilled Labor Development in Construction

8 pagesPublished: June 9, 2021


The major objective of this research is to investigate construction job market for developing multiskilled labor in the construction industry using web scraping and text mining techniques. The construction industry has been suffered from the skilled labor shortage. To resolve the shortage and pertinent problems, multiskilled labor utilization strategies have been presented in construction. Although extensive research has been conducted over multiskilling strategies, it is still uncertain what skill sets are desirable to foster and utilize multiskilled labor efficiently in construction projects. To fill the gap, this research investigates skill sets for multiskilled labor development in construction using web scraping technique. We analyze texts of companies' job openings and provide the latest trends in what skill sets are beneficial for workers to get employed. The results provide skilled labor with the information of what kind of skill sets required to meet industrial needs. This research will contribute to the body of knowledge by expanding the multiskilling strategies through the data-driven analysis of real construction job market.

Keyphrases: job posting, multiskilled labor, skilled labor shortage, text mining, web scraping

In: Tom Leathem, Anthony Perrenoud and Wesley Collins (editors). ASC 2021. 57th Annual Associated Schools of Construction International Conference, vol 2, pages 100-107.

BibTeX entry
  author    = {Heung Jin Oh and Soowon Chang and Baabak Ashuri},
  title     = {Investigation of Skill Sets for Multiskilled Labor Development in Construction},
  booktitle = {ASC 2021. 57th Annual Associated Schools of Construction International Conference},
  editor    = {Tom Leathem and Anthony Perrenoud and Wesley Collins},
  series    = {EPiC Series in Built Environment},
  volume    = {2},
  publisher = {EasyChair},
  bibsource = {EasyChair,},
  issn      = {2632-881X},
  url       = {/publications/paper/LtfB},
  doi       = {10.29007/tsk3},
  pages     = {100-107},
  year      = {2021}}
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