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Prototype Implementation of Temperature Control System with CAN and FreeRTOS on STM32F407 Discovery Boards

10 pagesPublished: September 26, 2019


The focus of the paper is to provide a prototype implementation of a temperature control system using the open-source real-time operating system FreeRTOS and communication via a Controller Area Network (CAN). By using low-cost components and open-source software on low-cost STM32F407 Discovery Boards with ARM Cortex M4 processors, this prototype is an ideal target for classroom use. The Discovery boards provide built-in support for 2 CAN buffers, but no transceivers. This paper presents the implementation of a Master-Slave architecture with CAN communication using LibOpenCM3 libraries with FreeRTOS and a more general CAN implementation using Hardware Abstraction Libraries (HAL). The paper further discusses the concepts of CAN messaging and its parameters in detail to be applicable for anyone wanting to set up their own network. In addition to CAN communication between STM32F407 Discovery Boards, this paper also presents a prototype implementation of a temperature control system on STM32F407 Discovery boards showing use of most standard interfaces on the boards such as GPIO and I2C. It describes the hardware components of the system and the software implementation using a combination of HAL, LibOpenCM3, and FreeRTOS.

Keyphrases: controller area network (can), cubemx, freertos, hardware abstraction libraries (hal), i2c protocol, libopencm3, stm32f407 discovery, temperature control

In: Quan Yuan, Yan Shi, Les Miller, Gordon Lee, Gongzhu Hu and Takaaki Goto (editors). Proceedings of 32nd International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering, vol 63, pages 130-139.

BibTeX entry
  author    = {Venkat Margapuri and Mitchell Neilsen},
  title     = {Prototype Implementation of Temperature Control System with CAN and FreeRTOS on STM32F407 Discovery Boards},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of 32nd International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering},
  editor    = {Quan Yuan and Yan Shi and Les Miller and Gordon Lee and Gongzhu Hu and Takaaki Goto},
  series    = {EPiC Series in Computing},
  volume    = {63},
  publisher = {EasyChair},
  bibsource = {EasyChair,},
  issn      = {2398-7340},
  url       = {/publications/paper/jdPB},
  doi       = {10.29007/w9nq},
  pages     = {130-139},
  year      = {2019}}
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