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The intercultural classroom: Contrastive analysis of the expectations of students from different nationalities in an ESP course. A case study.

7 pagesPublished: January 6, 2018


University mobility policies facilitate the incorporation of students from different nationalities into English classes. The syllabus of English applied to Advertising and Public Relations (University of Cadiz) has traditionally been targeted towards Spanish students. However, the incorporation of students from other countries into the classroom has shaped it as a multicultural space where different conceptions of reality, transferred to the teaching-learning process through different attitudes, behaviors or perceptions, coexist (Byram, Nichols & Stevens, 2001). The fusion of these differences creates a multicultural space students can enrich themselves and learn from, having English as a vehicular language and being motivated to perceive advertising from the other's point of view. The objective of this work is to identify their expectations according to their nationality and previous studies, through a questionnaire that identifies their different levels, opinion about the relevance of the program and expectations about the course. The analysis will be made known to the students themselves, favoring their knowledge about the cultural identity of the rest and its influence on the vision of advertising. Thus, the knowledge of the "other" is easier, modifying, if necessary, the possible stereotypes and/or prejudices about the different cultural groups and creating a common space of coexistence where the interest to know other realities within the common framework of learning English will motivate them to develop their communicative, linguistic and intercultural competence. Results will lead to a review of the contents and methodology of the subject, guiding us towards an adjustment of them that responds to the detected needs, given the important implications that these different conceptions have in a global advertising world such as the one we are living in nowadays.

Keyphrases: advertising, esp, intercultural analysis, language learning, multiculturalism

In: Alejandro Curado (editor). LSP in Multi-disciplinary contexts of Teaching and Research. Papers from the 16th International AELFE Conference, vol 3, pages 124-130.

BibTeX entry
  author    = {Paloma López Zurita},
  title     = {El aula intercultural: Análisis contrastivo de las expectativas de alumnos de diferentes nacionalidades ante un curso de IFE. Estudio de un caso.},
  booktitle = {LSP in Multi-disciplinary contexts of Teaching and Research. Papers from the 16th International AELFE Conference},
  editor    = {Alejandro Curado},
  series    = {EPiC Series in Language and Linguistics},
  volume    = {3},
  publisher = {EasyChair},
  bibsource = {EasyChair,},
  issn      = {2398-5283},
  url       = {/publications/paper/mvPX},
  doi       = {10.29007/sg81},
  pages     = {124-130},
  year      = {2018}}
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