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6GSoft: Software for Edge-to-Cloud Continuum

EasyChair Preprint 15193

8 pagesDate: October 4, 2024


Developing and managing 6G software demands cutting-edge software engineering tailored for the complexity and vast numbers of connected edge devices. Our project aims to lead in developing sustainable methods and energy-efficient orchestration models specifically for edge environments, enhancing architectural support for edge computing and edge AI. This initiative seeks to position Finland at the forefront of the 6G landscape, focusing on sophisticated edge orchestration and robust software architectures to optimize the performance and scalability of edge networks. Collaborating with leading Finnish universities and companies, the project emphasizes deep industry-academia collaboration and international expertise to address critical challenges in edge orchestration and software architecture, aiming to drive significant advancements in software productivity and market impact.

Keyphrases: Cloud Continuum, Edge-to-Cloud, Software Engineering, edge, software architecture

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Muhammad Azeem Akbar and Matteo Esposito and Sami Hyrynsalmi and Karthikeyan Dinesh Kumar and Valentina Lenarduzzi and Xiaozhou Li and Ali Mehraj and Tommi Mikkonen and Sergio Moreschini and Niko Mäkitalo and Markku Oivo and Anna-Sofia Paavonen and Risha Parveen and Kari Smolander and Ruoyu Su and Kari Systä and Davide Taibi and Nan Yang and Zheying Zhang and Muhammad Zohaib},
  title     = {6GSoft: Software for Edge-to-Cloud Continuum},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 15193},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2024}}
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