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Multi-Link Cable Driven Robots with Mechatronic Stiffness

EasyChair Preprint 13338

2 pagesDate: May 17, 2024


The paper deals with the proposal for efficient multi-link cable driven robots by improvement based on cable based mechatronic stiffness. Multi-link cable driven robots (MLCDR) are recently intensively investigated. They are attractive for good potential of stiffness due to serial joint based structure in contrast to tensegrity and due to lightweight actuation. However, they suffer from multiple actuation and structure loading. This paper proposes a different approach for usage of MLCDR advantages. The straightforward direct approach of planar MLCDR is based on serial robot. The links are actuated by couples of cables for antagonistic influence. The structure is loaded by these driving forces. This is mitigated by various routing of cables up to the number of cables equal to number of DOFs plus one. Therefore it is proposed to equip each link by module of mechatronic stiffness. Then MLCDR can be actuated just by cables routed through the central tubus with the same number of drives as robot DOFs. If the robot includes not only revolute joints but spherical joints then a challenge is to transfer these results into space. The basis for that is the set of spatial spherical parallel mechanisms – HexaSphere, EcoSphere, DoubleSphere, QuatroSphere. Their movability is +- 100 degrees and they require to use subsequently 6, 3, 3, 4 drives. The paper deals with the investigation whether these mechanisms coudl be driven juat by cables.

Keyphrases: Mechatronic stiffness, Multi-link cable driven, robot

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Michael Valasek},
  title     = {Multi-Link Cable Driven Robots with Mechatronic Stiffness},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 13338},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2024}}
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