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Local Knowledge, Global Impact: Developing Local Wisdom Scale for Nature Preservation

EasyChair Preprint 15005, version 2

Versions: 12history
12 pagesDate: October 2, 2024


Introduction/Main Objectives: This study aims to analyze the instruments used to measure local wisdom among residents in three tourist villages in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Background Problems: While local wisdom values are used in environmental conservation and sustainable tourism development, there is currently no established scale to measure them. Novelty: Local wisdom values are intricately linked to cultural practices and traditions. These values are deeply rooted in historical and cultural contexts, which can make them difficult to quantify. Therefore, in this research, a scale will be developed to measure local wisdom values. Research Methods: This research used simple random sampling consist of 118 residents. The questions given are multiple-choice questions with 29 items, generated from the coding process using NVIVO software based on in-depth interviews and literature studies. The Rasch model was applied to ensure the fit of the questions. The analysis was conducted using Winsteps software. Finding/Results: The output from the Winsteps program yielded 10 items that matched the Rasch model, with average Outfit MNSQ values for person and item of 0.89 and 0.97, respectively. The Outfit ZSTD values for person and item were 0.01 and 0.27 respectively. The reliability of the instrument was stated in Cronbach's alpha, with a value of 0.93. Standardized residual variance in eigenvalue was 54,55% revealled that local wisdom scale is multidimentional. There are no items that indicate bias location based on DIF measurement. Conclusion: The measurement of local wisdom values in the research is not affected by geographical location factors and can accurately detect the population's ability to understand these values.

Keyphrases: NVivo, Rasch, local wisdom, preservation, scale

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Hani Ernawati and Suci Syahlani and Sari Siswomihardjo and Ike Dewi},
  title     = {Local Knowledge, Global Impact: Developing Local Wisdom Scale for Nature Preservation},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 15005},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2024}}
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