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Scalar Waves: the Role of Longitudinal EM Waves in Advanced Communication Technologies

EasyChair Preprint 15514

10 pagesDate: December 2, 2024


As technology continues to advance, the future of computing and communications is taking new dimensions, one of the most promising emerging technologies in this field is scalar waves. Scalar waves, are a type of electromagnetic wave that oscillate in the direction of their propagation. This unique characteristic sets them for plethora of applications including near-instantaneous communication and also Scalar waves have the ability to carry information just like traditional electromagnetic waves. This paper delve into the basics of scalar waves in harnessing scalar waves for the future of communication as they are believed to carry information not only in their frequency and amplitude but also in their phase. This opens up possibilities for encoding more data within the same frequency. The proposed self-routing model of the magnetic scalar wave (self regulation are an essential component of a scalar waves)  where network devices generates longitudinal waves that propagate in the direction of the magnetic field vector covers structures within the wave generator, also explains the channels designed in the matrix form when two devices communicate with each other. The characteristics of the potential self-routing allows enormously high information density in the generator. With this feature, the magnetic scalar wave is therefore suitable to use device code digitally stored in the base pairs and electrically modulate them, so as to send information from the generating device to another device. At the receiving end, the reverse process takes place and the transported information is converted back into a digital structure. The necessary energy required to power the communication process is provided by the magnetic scalar wave generator itself. This work highlights how the scalar waves might influence cellular or computer network behaviour and communication processes,  However, this paper is not about the technology for generating and detecting scalar waves.

Keyphrases: Longitudinal EM Wave Propagation, Matrix Switching, Scalar Waves, Self-routing Technology, secure communication

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Poondru Prithvinath Reddy},
  title     = {Scalar Waves: the Role of Longitudinal EM Waves in Advanced Communication Technologies},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 15514},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2024}}
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