CLLS 2018: Editor's Preface

This volume presents the proceedings of the workshop on Computational Linguistics and Language Science (CLLS-2018) held at National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow. This was the third annual workshop dedicated to various aspects of computational linguistics, such as applications of machine learning and statistical methods to natural language processing. This year we were happy to receive a record number of papers submitted as well as a record number of participants.

CLLS-2018 was organized by a team of volunteers. Let us thank this year’s organizers: Dmitry Ilvovsky, Andrey Parinov and Ekaterina Chernyak (School of Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence, International Laboratory for Intelligent Systems and Structural Analysis) and Olga Kultepina (School of Linguistics).

What is more, let us extend our special thanks to Program Committee members: Grigori Sidorov (IPN, Mexico), Alexander Gelbukh (IPN, Mexico), Ildar Z. Batyrshin (IPN, Mexico), Boris Galitskiy (Oracle), Natalia Loukachevitch (MSU), Alexander Panchenko (TU Hamburg), Alexey Leontyev (ABBYY), Denis Paperno (UCLA), Gerhard Wohlgenannt (ITMO).

This year workshop featured a special talk by Prof. Leonid Iomdin (IITP, Moscow) on ETAP-3, a system for end-to-end processing of Russian texts.

CLLS-2018 workshop was supported by RFBR grants 16-29-12982 and 16-01-00583 and was prepared within the framework of the Basic Research Program at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) and supported within the framework of a subsidy by the Russian Academic Excellence Project '5-100'.

Lastly, we would like to thank everyone who helped us to make this workshop a success and all participants and attendees.

Program Co-Chairs

Prof. Sergei O. Kuznetsov School
Head, School of Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence
Laboratory Head, International Laboratory for Intelligent Systems and Structural Analysis

Prof. Ekaterina Rakhilina
Head, School of Linguistics
April 25, 2018