COPA 2023: Editor's Preface

This volume contains the papers presented at COPA 2023: 2023 Concurrent Processes Architectures and Embedded Systems Hybrid Virtual Conference short program held on September 25-27, 2023 in San Diego, California.


There were 7 submissions. Each submission was reviewed by at least 1, and on the average 1.7, technical committee members. The committee decided to accept all 7 papers. The program also includes 1 invited talk and Keynote by Dr. Jeremy Martin.

We would like to acknowledge all participants in this short program and short fuse call for papers.

COPA began in 2021 sponsored by IEEE in the mid-Covid pandemic era to allow researchers to gather virtually,hybrid and review research and latest applications in concurrency in the spirit of Communicating Processes Architectures (CPA), Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP), occam and the transputer dating back to the late 1970's.

COPA 2023 was sponsored by ChipAct non-profit Corporation for education in today's computer sciences and engineering applications of concurrency and CSP to achieve more reliable computing and embedded systems.

COPA 2024 Early Call for Papers (CFP) is already approved and released and is open for new paper, workshop, tutorials, posters and fringe submissions.

Many Thanks to EasyChair.

Lindsay Quarrie
November 8, 2023