CogSIMA 2023: Keyword Index

abstraction levelsTowards systems that dynamically change and evaluate abstractions
Advanced Driving Assistance SystemsA modified Hidden Markov Model (HMM)-based state machine model for driving behavior recognition: Effectiveness of features using different sub-HMMs
Comparison of different hyperparameter optimization methods on driving behavior recognition
AIClinician-AI Collaboration for Decision Support in Telemedicine
ARClinician-AI Collaboration for Decision Support in Telemedicine
Artificial IntelligenceA Quantum Decision Approach for Human-AI Decision-Making
Adaptive Artificial Intelligence to Teach Interactive Molecular Dynamics in the Context of Human-Computer Interaction
Automatic modelingAutonomous Computational Partners
autonomous systemsAutonomous Computational Partners
Bayesian optimizationComparison of different hyperparameter optimization methods on driving behavior recognition
behavior in crisis situationEffects of Culture on Public Behavior Patterns in Crisis Situations
behaviour analysisA Framework for Surface Vessel Nautical-Behaviour Analysis towards Cognitive Situation Awareness
board gameInvestigating Team Level KSAs in Cybersecurity: Insights from Observing a Cybersecurity-Themed Board Game Pilot Study
case studyExploring Cognition and Proficiency in Cybersecurity Incident Response: Description of a Subject-Matter Expert Interview
ChatGPTClinician-AI Collaboration for Decision Support in Telemedicine
civilian missionsPINPOINT - A multidisciplinary framework for semi-automatic risk assessment in military operations and civilian missions
Clinician AI CollaborationClinician-AI Collaboration for Decision Support in Telemedicine
CloudA Description of Strengthening COVID-19 Cognitive Cloud to Health Systems by Costa Rican Community Design
cognitiveA Description of Strengthening COVID-19 Cognitive Cloud to Health Systems by Costa Rican Community Design
cognitive situation managementLet's Add Highly Stressed People to the Cyber-Physical-Social System
A Framework for Surface Vessel Nautical-Behaviour Analysis towards Cognitive Situation Awareness
Cognitive Task AnalysisExploring Cognition and Proficiency in Cybersecurity Incident Response: Description of a Subject-Matter Expert Interview
CompetencyObjective Assessment of Point-of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS) Competency Using Arm Motion Data and Machine Learning Classifiers
Computational SemioticsAutonomous Computational Partners
Computer Network DefenseExploring Cognition and Proficiency in Cybersecurity Incident Response: Description of a Subject-Matter Expert Interview
Costa RicaA Description of Strengthening COVID-19 Cognitive Cloud to Health Systems by Costa Rican Community Design
COVID-19A Description of Strengthening COVID-19 Cognitive Cloud to Health Systems by Costa Rican Community Design
CuriosityAdaptive Artificial Intelligence to Teach Interactive Molecular Dynamics in the Context of Human-Computer Interaction
Cyber-Physical-Social systemLet's Add Highly Stressed People to the Cyber-Physical-Social System
Cyber-physical-social systems (CPSS)Effects of Culture on Public Behavior Patterns in Crisis Situations
CybersecurityExploring Cognition and Proficiency in Cybersecurity Incident Response: Description of a Subject-Matter Expert Interview
cybersecurity testbedInvestigating Team Level KSAs in Cybersecurity: Insights from Observing a Cybersecurity-Themed Board Game Pilot Study
decision makingObjective Assessment of Point-of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS) Competency Using Arm Motion Data and Machine Learning Classifiers
A Quantum Decision Approach for Human-AI Decision-Making
decision-making support systemSituated and sequential planning and prediction of human driving behavior as decision making support system
Digital ShadowA Framework for Surface Vessel Nautical-Behaviour Analysis towards Cognitive Situation Awareness
disaster responseA Description of Strengthening COVID-19 Cognitive Cloud to Health Systems by Costa Rican Community Design
Driving behavior recognitionA modified Hidden Markov Model (HMM)-based state machine model for driving behavior recognition: Effectiveness of features using different sub-HMMs
Comparison of different hyperparameter optimization methods on driving behavior recognition
edgeA Description of Strengthening COVID-19 Cognitive Cloud to Health Systems by Costa Rican Community Design
feature selectionA modified Hidden Markov Model (HMM)-based state machine model for driving behavior recognition: Effectiveness of features using different sub-HMMs
Generative ModellingA Framework for Surface Vessel Nautical-Behaviour Analysis towards Cognitive Situation Awareness
Genetic AlgorithmComparison of different hyperparameter optimization methods on driving behavior recognition
Health SystemsA Description of Strengthening COVID-19 Cognitive Cloud to Health Systems by Costa Rican Community Design
Hidden Markov ModelA modified Hidden Markov Model (HMM)-based state machine model for driving behavior recognition: Effectiveness of features using different sub-HMMs
Hofstede's cultural dimensionsEffects of Culture on Public Behavior Patterns in Crisis Situations
Human Computer InteractionLet's Add Highly Stressed People to the Cyber-Physical-Social System
Adaptive Artificial Intelligence to Teach Interactive Molecular Dynamics in the Context of Human-Computer Interaction
Human System CooperationAutonomous Computational Partners
human-in-the-loopA Quantum Decision Approach for Human-AI Decision-Making
human-machine teamingAdaptive Artificial Intelligence to Teach Interactive Molecular Dynamics in the Context of Human-Computer Interaction
human-robot interactionUncertainty-Aware Visual Workload Estimation for Human-Robot Teams
human-robot teamsUncertainty-Aware Visual Workload Estimation for Human-Robot Teams
Incident ResponseExploring Cognition and Proficiency in Cybersecurity Incident Response: Description of a Subject-Matter Expert Interview
information deficiencyBuilding Holistic Situation Awareness through Large Language Models
Internet BackpackA Description of Strengthening COVID-19 Cognitive Cloud to Health Systems by Costa Rican Community Design
large language modelsBuilding Holistic Situation Awareness through Large Language Models
machine learningObjective Assessment of Point-of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS) Competency Using Arm Motion Data and Machine Learning Classifiers
Situation Identification using Context Space Theory and Decision Tree
Maritime Traffic AnalysisA Framework for Surface Vessel Nautical-Behaviour Analysis towards Cognitive Situation Awareness
military operationsPINPOINT - A multidisciplinary framework for semi-automatic risk assessment in military operations and civilian missions
mixed methodsExploring Cognition and Proficiency in Cybersecurity Incident Response: Description of a Subject-Matter Expert Interview
Model Deficiency AnalysisAutonomous Computational Partners
Model-Based OperationAutonomous Computational Partners
molecular dynamicsAdaptive Artificial Intelligence to Teach Interactive Molecular Dynamics in the Context of Human-Computer Interaction
neural networkComparison of different hyperparameter optimization methods on driving behavior recognition
nonlinear dynamical systemsAdaptive Artificial Intelligence to Teach Interactive Molecular Dynamics in the Context of Human-Computer Interaction
OSINTPINPOINT - A multidisciplinary framework for semi-automatic risk assessment in military operations and civilian missions
Pandemic Situation ManagementSituation Identification using Context Space Theory and Decision Tree
PNTPINPOINT - A multidisciplinary framework for semi-automatic risk assessment in military operations and civilian missions
Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS)Objective Assessment of Point-of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS) Competency Using Arm Motion Data and Machine Learning Classifiers
public behavior patternsEffects of Culture on Public Behavior Patterns in Crisis Situations
quantum probabilityA Quantum Decision Approach for Human-AI Decision-Making
risk analysisPINPOINT - A multidisciplinary framework for semi-automatic risk assessment in military operations and civilian missions
Self-Aware SystemsTowards systems that dynamically change and evaluate abstractions
self-modelingAutonomous Computational Partners
Situated behavior planning and predictionSituated and sequential planning and prediction of human driving behavior as decision making support system
situation awarenessLet's Add Highly Stressed People to the Cyber-Physical-Social System
Building Holistic Situation Awareness through Large Language Models
situation modelSituation Identification using Context Space Theory and Decision Tree
Situation-Operator-ModelingSituated and sequential planning and prediction of human driving behavior as decision making support system
Situational AwarenessA Framework for Surface Vessel Nautical-Behaviour Analysis towards Cognitive Situation Awareness
state machineComparison of different hyperparameter optimization methods on driving behavior recognition
state machinesA modified Hidden Markov Model (HMM)-based state machine model for driving behavior recognition: Effectiveness of features using different sub-HMMs
stressLet's Add Highly Stressed People to the Cyber-Physical-Social System
Sub-Hidden Markov ModelA modified Hidden Markov Model (HMM)-based state machine model for driving behavior recognition: Effectiveness of features using different sub-HMMs
Supervision of Human-Machine-interactionSituated and sequential planning and prediction of human driving behavior as decision making support system
swarm trackingTowards systems that dynamically change and evaluate abstractions
team competenciesInvestigating Team Level KSAs in Cybersecurity: Insights from Observing a Cybersecurity-Themed Board Game Pilot Study
TeamworkInvestigating Team Level KSAs in Cybersecurity: Insights from Observing a Cybersecurity-Themed Board Game Pilot Study
technology acceptanceClinician-AI Collaboration for Decision Support in Telemedicine
TelemedicineClinician-AI Collaboration for Decision Support in Telemedicine
traffic flowA Framework for Surface Vessel Nautical-Behaviour Analysis towards Cognitive Situation Awareness
trainingInvestigating Team Level KSAs in Cybersecurity: Insights from Observing a Cybersecurity-Themed Board Game Pilot Study
TrustClinician-AI Collaboration for Decision Support in Telemedicine
Vehicle systemsSituated and sequential planning and prediction of human driving behavior as decision making support system
Visual WorkloadUncertainty-Aware Visual Workload Estimation for Human-Robot Teams
wearable sensorsUncertainty-Aware Visual Workload Estimation for Human-Robot Teams
Wrapping Integration InfrastructureAutonomous Computational Partners