ICRISET2017: Author Index

Acharya, UrvashiAdjacency Matrix of Product of Graphs
Ahn, Jung SubA Compromised Cluster Detection Method in Dynamic En-route Filtering Utilizing False Reports of Wireless Sensor Networks
Barad, AvaniAn Improved SimBet Routing Algorithm for Human Mobility Based DTN
Bhathawala, Pravin HimmatlalFixed Point Analysis of Kermack Mckendrick SIR Model
Bhojak, PriyankAutomated Web Application ...
Brahmbhatt, Keyur NIndian Currency Recognition using Neural Network Pattern Recognition Tool
Chauhan, Jagadish KRevisiting intersection of nine-point circle in the universal mode using novel computing tools (Revisiting Schrödder’s findings)
Cho, Tae HoA Compromised Cluster Detection Method in Dynamic En-route Filtering Utilizing False Reports of Wireless Sensor Networks
Modeling and Simulation of Vote Length Analysis for Probabilistic Voting-based Filtering in Wireless Sensor Networks: Against False report and vote injection attacks
Deheri, Gunumani MCombined effect of deformation and slip velocity on the performance of a Ferrofluid squeeze film in infinitely long porous rough rectangular plates
Ferrofluid based squeeze film for a rough conical bearing with deformation effect
Desai, NarendrasinhSoution of fuzzy initial value problems by fuzzy Laplace transform
A Mathematical Model of Co-current Imbibition Phenomenon in Inclined Homogeneous Porous Medium
Optimal homotopy analysis solution of fingero-imbibition phenomenon in homogeneous porous medium with magnetic fluid effect
Fultariya, SiddharthAn open source Real Time IOT based environmental sensor monitoring system
Gandhi, Rajiv B.Revisiting intersection of nine-point circle in the universal mode using novel computing tools (Revisiting Schrödder’s findings)
Gol, DevenAutomated Web Application ...
Gondaliya, NikhilAn Improved SimBet Routing Algorithm for Human Mobility Based DTN
Jaliya, Udesang KIndian Currency Recognition using Neural Network Pattern Recognition Tool
Jivani, MaheshAn open source Real Time IOT based environmental sensor monitoring system
Kataria, HariStudy of Radiation, Reaction and Parabolic Motion Effects on MHD Casson Fluid Flow with Ramped Wall Temperature
Kataria, HaribhaiSoret and radiation effects on MHD chemically reactive Nano fluid flow over an exponentially accelerated vertical plate with ramped wall temperature and ramped surface concentration through porous medium
Lad, KalpeshHuman recognition from multi angular images
Mehta, HimaliWeakly analytic sets for the Cartesian product of function algebra
Adjacency Matrix of Product of Graphs
Mehta, RekhaWeakly analytic sets for the Cartesian product of function algebra
Mishra, Vishnu NarayanAn Asymptotic Formula of Modified Family of Positive Linear Operators
Mittal, AkhilSoret and radiation effects on MHD chemically reactive Nano fluid flow over an exponentially accelerated vertical plate with ramped wall temperature and ramped surface concentration through porous medium
Naik, RohanHuman recognition from multi angular images
Nam, Su ManModeling and Simulation of Vote Length Analysis for Probabilistic Voting-based Filtering in Wireless Sensor Networks: Against False report and vote injection attacks
Narsingani, FennyFixed Point Analysis of Kermack Mckendrick SIR Model
Pandya, HareshAn open source Real Time IOT based environmental sensor monitoring system
Pandya, JigishaOne-Dimensional Heat Equation Subject to Both Neumann and Dirichlet Initial Boundary Conditions and Used a Spline Collocation Method
Park, DongjinA Compromised Cluster Detection Method in Dynamic En-route Filtering Utilizing False Reports of Wireless Sensor Networks
Patel, HarshadStudy of Radiation, Reaction and Parabolic Motion Effects on MHD Casson Fluid Flow with Ramped Wall Temperature
Patel, JimitFerrofluid based squeeze film for a rough conical bearing with deformation effect
Patel, KanuAutomated Web Application ...
Patel, KomalSoution of fuzzy initial value problems by fuzzy Laplace transform
Patel, Mahendra A.A Mathematical Model of Co-current Imbibition Phenomenon in Inclined Homogeneous Porous Medium
Patel, Narendra M.Flower Classification using Texture and Color Features
Patel, NileshOne-Dimensional Heat Equation Subject to Both Neumann and Dirichlet Initial Boundary Conditions and Used a Spline Collocation Method
Patel, PrashantkumarAn Asymptotic Formula of Modified Family of Positive Linear Operators
Patel, Viranchi NIndian Currency Recognition using Neural Network Pattern Recognition Tool
Pathak, NirajAnalysis of Periodic Orbits with Smaller Primary As Oblate Spheroid
Potdar, Madhukar BImage Processing in Hadoop Distributed Environment
Prajapati, DipakkumarOptimal homotopy analysis solution of fingero-imbibition phenomenon in homogeneous porous medium with magnetic fluid effect
Prajapati, Mahendra BFixed Point Analysis of Kermack Mckendrick SIR Model
Roghelia, AakarWeakly analytic sets for the Cartesian product of function algebra
Shah, Mehul B.An Improved SimBet Routing Algorithm for Human Mobility Based DTN
Shah, TejasA Numerical Solution of Uni-Dimensional Vertical Ground Water Recharge through Porous Media by Finite Difference Method Using Matlab.
Shah, VatsalAutomated Web Application ...
Shah, Zankhana H.Flower Classification using Texture and Color Features
Shaheen, MosabImage Processing in Hadoop Distributed Environment
Shaparia, RiddhiFlower Classification using Texture and Color Features
Shimpi, MukeshCombined effect of deformation and slip velocity on the performance of a Ferrofluid squeeze film in infinitely long porous rough rectangular plates
Ferrofluid based squeeze film for a rough conical bearing with deformation effect
Tailor, Dr.ManishA Numerical Solution of Uni-Dimensional Vertical Ground Water Recharge through Porous Media by Finite Difference Method Using Matlab.
Thomas, V. O.Analysis of Periodic Orbits with Smaller Primary As Oblate Spheroid
Vithlani, RonakAn open source Real Time IOT based environmental sensor monitoring system