Incodtrin2022: Papers with Abstracts

Abstract. Colombia is a country with significant development, but with a great distance to go regarding Digital Transformation (DT) in companies and in the public sector, especially if one examines the deep lag that it has compared to other Latin American countries. This article digs into the illustrative case and searches for DT in the Colombian public and government sector of the Comisión de Regulación de Comunicaciones -CRC- (Communications Regulation Commission). During 2020 and 2021, CRC led the creation of two tools: the first, a rate and plan comparator (services offered by Internet providers, mobile and fixed telephony in Colombia) that was created in partnership with the Laboratorio de innovación, creatividad y nuevas tecnologías -LAB101- (Laboratory of Innovation, Creativity and new technologies) of the National University of Colombia (Universidad Nacional de Colombia -UNAL-). The comparator provided CRC an agile and automated deep understanding of the market for communication services in the
Abstract. When developing context-sensitive mobile applications there are several considerations that must be considered such as: being able to express the relevant concepts and subsequently generate the required applications. In this area it is worth mentioning that the technology used must allow expressiveness related to factors such as category, relevance, combination, type of configuration and type of execution and generate a context-sensitive mobile application, framed within the characteristics that are currently in demand and using the most appropriate tools for it. This paper analyzes the particularities of developing a context-sensitive mobile application through a Metamodel creation process, then the generation of a Visual D.S.L with Obeo Sirius, its treatment with Xtext, the generation of a mobile application with Acceleo and finally the definition of the graphical user interface GUI with the help of Ionic and Capacitor, which will allow to exploit the functionalities of the mobile. That is to say, the process to establish the appropriate tools for the creation of context-sensitive mobile applications is shown
Abstract. Humanity is heading towards a reality in which each device will end up being connected to the internet and, with it, to other objects with which it will be able to communicate, which affects the application in cities to make them smart. This communication will take place through various means such as WiFi, bluetooth or the famous 5G.
It can be said that this trend of the Internet of Things also implies machine to machine (M2M) communication. We can ensure that Internet connections will become more and more frequent between machines, making it possible for millions of chips to communicate the data they record. This paper aims to carry out a study on the new trends and applications of the Internet of Things in cities and smart tourism.
Abstract. In a globalized world we see that technology is a fundamental pillar in the market, so if we have the knowledge of how to take advantage and implement these advances in business, it allows us to generate added value compared to competitors and it makes a difference in our product or service in such a competitive world.
A very important technological tool today is the Internet, one of the benefits of using this technology is the possibility of carrying out activities, without having to move from one place to another. There is a diversity of computer applications focused on the resolution of different problems, which can be installed in various devices, whether fixed or mobile, being the current trend to use devices with greater reach and immediate availability for people such as tablets and cell phones.
Currently, people have little time to do their personal activities such as the search for tourist sites such as: restaurants, hotels, bars among others, factors such as time and money savings make it necessary to find places near our location to perform recreational activities, so it is proposed to take advantage of the technology boom to have a technological tool that meets this need.
One of the important aspects of the tool is that it shows information that was previously collected through sentiment analysis techniques, and will provide a service to the user in such a way that it can be sure that these sites are of quality and You will get a good experience when entering them, since the application has data studied and analyzed that give you reliability.
Geomarketing has an extensive field that should be used even more with technological advances, offering new functionalities and possibilities to capture greater customer service. The proposed solution will take advantage of current technologies and also encourages tourism by motivating users to visit more places and share new social and recreational experiences, which they did not know existed and were within reach.
Abstract. This work presents a model to realize early warning of the extinction of birds in Pichincha, considering critical factors as a climatic environmental intervention human and contamination by public and private organisms, opting for wildlife conservation plans. We have achieved a significant improvement in the methodology of trends and patterns of bird extinction with respect to manual projection processes. By using Machine Learning techniques, it is possible to obtain predictive results for early decision making. It describes the theoretical foundation used and the CRISP-DM methodology that was applied; analyze the data base to optimize the data base gradually and finally determine the model more optimally to carry out the prediction of the extinction of birds, validating the predictive model based on the red list of species of endangered birds of Ecuador emitted by the ministry of the environment; we present several conclusions.
Abstract. The potential of fifth generation (5G) networks will contribute to the development of countries. The capabilities of 5G, such as a huge increase in transmission speed, decreased latency, improvement of the service delivery in places with a high user density and facilitates ubiquitous communication between devices. This allows 5G cellular networks to be the required support to establish reliable communications in real time with a view to the massification of the services established in Internet of Everything (IoE). In particular, the challenges and opportunities involved in the deployment of 5G in Ecuador are analyzed and discussed. This paper presents a review of recent literature on the deployment of 5G networks and the status of the implementation of this technology in Ecuador, considering its advantages, health implications and policy strategies on the use of frequencies and deployment. In addition, potential applications are mentioned that could be used to take advantage of many problems that have arisen during the COVID-19 pandemic, such as the lack of Internet access networks. In particular, it analyzes and discuss the challenges and opportunities involved in the 5G deployment in Ecuador.