KOBI-2019: Editor's Preface

This volume contains the papers presented at KOBI 2nd International Conference held on September 6-8, 2019 in Pontianak. There were 70 submissions. Each submission was reviewed by at least 1 program committee members. The committee decided to accept 20 papers. The program also includes 2 invited talks.

KOBI 2nd International Conference was a collaboration of Konsorsium Biologi Indonesia (KOBI) and the University of Tanjungpura (Untan) on “Management of Tropical Biodiversity for Human Welfare: from Ecosystem to Molecular”. The conference was aimed to disseminate the current result of researches in the field of biology and biology education, to increase the collaboration among researchers, lecturers and students both nationally and internationally, as well as to strengthen the relationships between higher education institutions in the field of biology and biology education in Indonesia. The conference was joined by 3 keynote speakers, 7 invited speakers, and 70 participants. They include participants representing universities, non-government organizations, private and government agencies from Indonesia and other countries.

We would like to thank all honorable keynote speakers Prof. Jatna Supriatna, Assoc. Prof. Antonia Monteiro, dan Prof. Joseph Holtum to have shared the valuable lecture at the conference. We would also like to give appreciation to all honorable invited speakers, scientists, and experts who have addressed the conference and participants who have shared their experience, and the conference steering and scientific committee of KOBI and Untan for their support. Special thanks to all sponsors and contributors, especially to Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education for the funding, Yayasan Palung (Gunung Palung Orangutan Conservation) for the special talks presented at the conference, ESCO for the funding and participation at the conference, BNI for the donation, and Ibis Hotel and Mercure Hotel for the special offers of accommodation. We would also like to express special thanks to all student volunteers for the hard work. This conference could not have been made possible without their support and great efforts.

The conference management system was done smoothly by EasyChair, started from paper submissions and reviews, until open access online publication service for conference proceedings. The continuing use of EasyChair is a great help to any conference steering committee worldwide.

Wolly Candramila
August 21, 2020