LPAR-19: Keyword Index

accelerationAcceleration-based safety decision procedure for programs with arrays
aggregate viewsAn Incremental Algorithm to Optimally Maintain Aggregate Views
Answer Set ProgrammingAn Epistemic Event Calculus for ASP-based Reasoning About Knowledge of the Past, Present and Future
ArgumentationConflict Resolution in Structured Argumentation
arraysAcceleration-based safety decision procedure for programs with arrays
Automated PlanningRobotics, Temporal Logic and Stream Reasoning
autonomous systemsRobotics, Temporal Logic and Stream Reasoning
clausesBDI: A New Decidable First-order Clause Class
conflict resolutionConflict Resolution in Structured Argumentation
database updateAn Incremental Algorithm to Optimally Maintain Aggregate Views
DatabasesIncorporating Hypothetical Views and Extended Recursion into SQL Database Systems
decidabilityBDI: A New Decidable First-order Clause Class
defeasible logic programConflict Resolution in Structured Argumentation
Description LogicsPractical Querying of Temporal Data via OWL 2 QL and SQL:2011
Epistemic ReasoningAn Epistemic Event Calculus for ASP-based Reasoning About Knowledge of the Past, Present and Future
EPRInstantiations, Zippers and EPR Interpolation
Event CalculusAn Epistemic Event Calculus for ASP-based Reasoning About Knowledge of the Past, Present and Future
execution monitoringRobotics, Temporal Logic and Stream Reasoning
first-orderBDI: A New Decidable First-order Clause Class
Fixpoint SemanticsIncorporating Hypothetical Views and Extended Recursion into SQL Database Systems
hyper-resolutionBDI: A New Decidable First-order Clause Class
Hypothetical QueriesIncorporating Hypothetical Views and Extended Recursion into SQL Database Systems
incremental algorithmAn Incremental Algorithm to Optimally Maintain Aggregate Views
interpolationInstantiations, Zippers and EPR Interpolation
knowledge representationRobotics, Temporal Logic and Stream Reasoning
monadic decompositionEffectively Monadic Predicates
Monadic predicatesEffectively Monadic Predicates
ontology-based data accessPractical Querying of Temporal Data via OWL 2 QL and SQL:2011
ordered resolutionBDI: A New Decidable First-order Clause Class
reasoning about actionAn Epistemic Event Calculus for ASP-based Reasoning About Knowledge of the Past, Present and Future
recursionIncorporating Hypothetical Views and Extended Recursion into SQL Database Systems
resolutionBDI: A New Decidable First-order Clause Class
Satisfiability Modulo TheoriesEffectively Monadic Predicates
SMTAcceleration-based safety decision procedure for programs with arrays
Instantiations, Zippers and EPR Interpolation
Stream ReasoningRobotics, Temporal Logic and Stream Reasoning
superpositionBDI: A New Decidable First-order Clause Class
symbolic automataEffectively Monadic Predicates
temporal databasesPractical Querying of Temporal Data via OWL 2 QL and SQL:2011
temporal logicRobotics, Temporal Logic and Stream Reasoning
temporal query languagesPractical Querying of Temporal Data via OWL 2 QL and SQL:2011
theorem provingInstantiations, Zippers and EPR Interpolation
Unmanned Aerial VehiclesRobotics, Temporal Logic and Stream Reasoning
view maintenanceAn Incremental Algorithm to Optimally Maintain Aggregate Views