NLCS'15: Editor's Preface

Natural Language and Computer Science (NLCS) is a workshop on the the interface between computer science and linguistics. The overall theme is the two-way interplay between formal tools developed in logic, category theory, and theoretical computer science on the one hand, and natural language syntax and semantics on the other.

This volume contains the papers presented at NLCS'15: Third Workshop on Natural Language and Computer Science held on July 5, 2015 in Kyoto. The workshop was affiliated with ICALP 2015 and LICS 2015.

There were seven submissions. Each submission was reviewed by three program committee members. The committee decided to accept six papers. The program also included two invited talks, by Makoto Kanazawa and by Gerard de Melo.

We thank the members of the program committee and the local organizers for their help in making this workshop happen.

The handling of the submissions and the creation of the electronic proceedings were done with the conference management system EasyChair.


Makoto Kanazawa
Lawrence S. Moss
Valeria de Paiva
June 23, 2015