ReVo 2017: Papers with Abstracts

Abstract. In this study, we propose the use of mixed reality (MR) for the purposes of biological education. Our objective is to create an interactive edutainment MR framework for users to learn about nature and human beings. MitsuDomoe, an interactive ecosystem simulator of virtual creatures in a petri dish, comprises three species of primitive artificial creatures. MitsuDomoe simulates the predation chain of the virtual creatures in the petri dish, and users can interact with this ecosystem via the petri dish interface. Users can also experience immersive observation by wearing HMD. By combining the MR petri dish and immersive virtual reality (VR) interfaces, we synergistically improve user understanding of the experience.
Abstract. This system enables the user to experience Suika-wari play in augmented reality world. Suika-wari is a Japanese popular play commonly played by the seaside in summer. The main player tries to hit a watermelon (suika) with a stick while being blindfolded and surrounding players indicates the position of the watermelon only with the voice.
In this system, the visitors play either roles of the two players. The players share the same augmented reality world where a watermelon is placed. Original play usually uses only one watermelon, but we offer the joy to hit as many watermelons as possible during a certain period.
Abstract. “Real Baby - Real Family” is a Virtual Reality baby nursery simulator that aims at conveying the parental and family love to the audiences. It has since been exhibited at Laval Virtual 2017, Anime Expo 2017, and SIGGRAPH 2017. This article will attempt to discuss the feedback and reviews gathered during the international exhibitions and shed light on the future development of this project.
Abstract. We propose a low-cost and high immersive infinity walking system with HMD and all directional load balance, which enables to present walking sensation for a user in VR environments. By using a device supporting user’s thighs during walking, our system enables a user to shift the center of gravity of body toward any walking direction like dynamic walking in real environments. Although many studies have proposed infinity walking systems based on a treadmill, a stepping method, a sliding method, and etc., there are several limitations to use these systems in practice. For example, the treadmill-based walking system is large and high-cost. The stepping method is known to be a low-cost method, but it is difficult for a user to shift the center of gravity of body toward a walking direction. The walking sensation provided by the sliding method may not be natural, because user’s feet move backward during walking. Therefore, we develop a low-cost and high immersive infinity walking system with HMD and all directional load balance that can provide the realistic walking sensation with a user.
Abstract. In surgical navigation, to accurately know the position of a surgical instrument in a patient's body is very important. Using transparent smart glasses is very useful for surgical navigation because a surgeon does not need to move his/her line of sight from the operative field. We propose a new application software development method that is able to show a stereoscopic vision of highly precise 3D-CG medical models and surgical instruments using transparent smart glasses for surgical navigation. We used Mixed Reality (MR) which is a concept exceeding Augmented Reality (AR) by using Microsoft HoloLens. In Mixed Reality, persons, places, and objects from our physical and virtual worlds merge together in a blended environment. Unlike competitive models, HoloLens can recognize surrounding with a front-facing cameras and 3D depth sensors. External markers and sensors are not required for surrounding recognition. Once a 3D-CG medical model is placed in a blended environment, it is fixed to the place and does not move on its own. Therefore, we can see a stereoscopic vision of a precise medical model projected into our surrounding such as a holographic human. A holographic human is as if he/she is there, which is a special immersive experience we have never felt before. A holographic human can not only be seen, but also can be moved by user’s hand gestures and interactive manipulation is possible. A holographic human and 3D-CG surgical instrument can be displayed simultaneously in a blended environment. The movement of 3D-CG surgical instruments can be linked with actual surgical instruments in the operation room. In the operation room, the holographic human is superimposed on the actual patient position. Since the positional relationship between the holographic human and surgical instruments is clear because it is overlapping, so it is very useful for surgical navigation. Multiple persons can see one holographic human at the same time using multiple HoloLenses. We developed the holographic human application software for surgical navigation using Unity and Vuforia, which are a development software and a library. A holographic vision of a 3D-CG medical model made from an actual patient’s CT/MRI image data is possible using our application software development method. A user can make the application software within only five minutes by preparing 3D-CG medical model file for instance STL. Therefore, surgeon dentists and clinical staff can make the holographic human content easily by themselves. As a result, the method can be utilized daily for routine medical treatment and education.
Abstract. The Orbital Views program brings virtual reality in true weightless and partial weight environments, in preparation for real space missions in orbit and on the surface of other planets. It opens opportunities for the training of astronauts on critical tasks that can only be trained in reduced-weight environments such as parabolic flights. With appropriate installations, Orbital Views also allows modern space tourists to experience the sights, sounds, and proprioceptive feelings of space without actually going there.
Abstract. "HADO" is the combination of Augmented Reality (AR) technology, motion sensor, Head-mounted display (HMD), smartphone, and sports that creates a whole new experience that we call "Techno Sports". By wearing the arm sensor in the arm and HMD to the head, adding the AR technology, HADO actualize magical worlds everyone dreams of as a child. Shoot energy balls to smash opponents and use the shield to prevent opponent's attacks!! Think strategic, move like a lightning, and coordinate team play to flight your opponents. This is a HADO Players vs. Players battle!!
Abstract. We propose a new paradigm of human-drone interaction through projecting image on the ground and foot gestures. The proposed technology allowed creating a new type of tangible interaction with drone, e.g., DroneBall game for augmented sport and FlyMap to let a drone know where to fly.
We developed LightAir system that makes possible information sharing, GPS- navigating, controlling and playing with drones in a tangible way. In contrast to the hand gestures, that are common for smartphones, we came up with the idea of foot gestures and projected image for intelligent human-drone interaction. Such gestures make communication with the drone intuitive, natural, and safe. To our knowledge, it is the world’s first system that provides the human-drone bilateral tangible interaction. The paper also introduces the novel concept of Drone Haptics.
Abstract. Children generally do not like cleaning their rooms. To change their behavior, we propose a serious game that makes cleaning fun and motivates children to clean their room. In our game “Monster Cleaner,” children collect virtual monsters by sucking dust using a vacuum cleaner-like device. Two people participate in the game in a competitive manner. The more dust a player cleans, the more monsters the player will collect. The system not only makes children clean their room in a fun manner but also teaches them to the use of a vacuum cleaner. The system was demonstrated in an exhibition and the observation of game play suggested that our system can make cleaning enjoyable for children and help them learn to use a vacuum cleaner.
Abstract. We propose to organize a Superhuman Sports Games1 in Laval Virtual. Superhuman Sports is a new form of sports based on the human-machine integration technology that provides new experiences by augmenting our body. Through superhuman sports experiences, people can realize what when our body and machine integrate naturally, human can overcome individual physical differences, and simultaneously, people can believe human can exceed our physical limitations. For this event, we prepared 3 games to provide physical augmentation experiences. Bubble Jumper augments our jumping function and shock absorption function without using any motors, Sli-de-rift adds new foot function with assist motor and Omni wheels, and Carry Otto augments running with in wheel motor.