Society 5.0 - 2022: Papers with Abstracts

Abstract. The purpose of this paper is to compare small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) against large enterprises (LEs) in terms of their sustainability enhancements through Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR4) technologies, specifically in the context of developing countries. This study adopted a quantitative approach. Questionnaires were distributed to Malaysian manufacturers registered under Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation MATRADE via email and in-person at the Smart Manufacturing Uprising conference in Kuala Lumpur. A total of 76 valid responses were obtained and analyzed using multiple regression. Integrated engineering systems (IES), digital automation with process control sensors, and the simulation/analysis of virtual models showed significant positive effects on LEs’ sustainability. The small sample size of 76 raises generalizability issues. Thus, large-scale quantitative research is recommended to validate the relationships identified in this study. The study is among the first to identify and compare the significant relationships between IR4 technologies and sustainability enhancements among SMEs and LEs. The findings are of interest to academics as well as to public and private sector practitioners in directing resources to technologies that enhance sustainability.
Abstract. The purpose of this paper is to compare small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) against large
enterprises (LEs) in terms of their productivity enhancements through Fourth Industrial Revolution
(IR4) technologies, specifically in the context of developing countries.
This study adopted a quantitative approach. Questionnaires were distributed to Malaysian manufacturers registered under Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation MATRADE via email and in-person at the Smart Manufacturing Uprising conference in Kuala Lumpur. A total of 76
valid responses were obtained and analyzed using multiple regression.
SMEs’ productivity was found to have significantly increased due to the Internet of Things and digital automation without sensors, while LEs’ productivity revealed a significant improvement from
integrated engineering systems.
The small sample size of 76 raises generalizability issues. Thus, large-scale quantitative research is
recommended to validate the relationships identified in this study.
The study is among the first to identify and compare the significant relationships between IR4
technologies and productivity enhancements among SMEs and LEs. The findings are of interest to academics as well as to public and private sector practitioners in directing resources to technologies
that enhance productivity.
Abstract. The highly integrated Society 5.0 enables a ubiquitous computing world driven by exponential growth of digital technologies. User interface designers must therefore find new architectures and -designs in order to compete in a digital world. User experience (UX) design is the overarching term that expresses the philosophies, approaches, tools and techniques related to the two distinct yet overlapping fields of human-computer interaction (HCI) and user-centered design (UCD). In order to create reliable and realistic representations of key audience segments, personas are used as a mechanism to simulate the engagement with the computer interface. Personas for distressed and vulnerable users take cognizance of a user’s emotional state and potentially unique interaction with the computer interface. The purpose of this study is to consider the key UX principles in designing computer interfaces for vulnerable user groups. Two datasets, consisting of a systematic review of the literature and eye-tracking data, were collected and analyzed. We established 5 key UX principles relevant to vulnerable users entailing simplicity, support, action, engagement, look and feel, and constraint. By applying the key UX principles for vulnerable user groups, designers can ensure that a potentially emotional experience is managed well via the computer interface.
Abstract. The digital age poses manifold challenges and difficult conditions for all sizes of organizations in all industries. Organizations need to adapt to complex challenges and difficult conditions and to plan and execute their digital transformation strategies. More and more organizations need support by strategic business consulting companies which must be offered in an effective and efficient way so that also small and medium sized companies can profit from it to stay competitive. Our research work focusses on the development of online strategic consulting tools offered as self-services on a web-based platform supporting the definition of digital transformation strategy. The so-called Digital Backpack Assessment (DBA) measures the digital maturity and proposes possible cases for changes. The tool follows the following principles: (1) A holistic approach with focus on the customer orientation, the business models, the organizational excellence, and the operational excellence. (2) An open strategy approach where several stakeholders from the company participate.
Abstract. The transition to the circular economy, from start-ups to multination- als, can only be realised if there is enough financing available. However, financial institutions and investors are only likely to finance profitable solutions, measured within time-honoured linear economy thinking. In this qualitative study, we ar- gue that looking at simply the business case is a singular, static view whereas the economy is a complex, adaptive system. Hence, in addition to the business case, we are adding three more elements we consider indispensable for the circular economy transition to initially succeed and thereafter remain sustainable. These are infrastructure, education and mindset.
Abstract. Cryptographic algorithms are an essential measure to ensure confidentiality and integrity of internet communication. The development of quantum computers (QCs) and their potential to utilize Shor’s Law, is increasingly recognized as a threat to asymmetric cryptography. In response, post-quantum cryptography (PQC) is gaining prominence as a notable field of research aiming to standardize quantum resistant algorithms before the operational usage of QCs. This paper is addressed to people with preliminary knowledge in the field of cryptography and QC. Based on a literature review, the authors provide an overview of challenges faced by the research community and elaborate the advancements in addressing post-quantum threats. A migration strategy from classical cryptosystems to PQC systems is in development, but obstacles such as time constraints and improper implementation complicate the process. Full implementation could take a decade or more. Until then, our paper aims to create awareness for potential challenges when transitioning towards PQC. As categorization scheme for these potential obstacles, we refer to a well- established model in cybersecurity – the McCumber Cube. Conclusions embrace preparing for risks of improper implementation and deriving a multi-step migration. Special attention is expected to be needed for data migration of existing data sets. As a request for future research in PQC, the authors identified the process of implementing post-cryptography standards, e.g., from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and an assessment of the perceived readiness of industry to adapt.
Abstract. Research on intellectual capital provides compelling evidence that human capital (HC) plays a critical role individually and in conjunction with sustainable-based performance. Academics' interest in HC is growing in gravity to achieve a firm's sustainability, particularly in comparison to natural, financial, and economic capital. Both developed and developing countries emphasize HC development to speed economic growth by allocating the required time and resources. There is a multitude of information about how HC can aid organizational performance, but little endeavors on how organizations become more sustainable. With this intention, the study delineates to scrutinize by proposing a conceptual framework that how the transition to a knowledge- based economy has elevated the significance of enterprises' HC and organizational sustainability perceptions. The underlying propositions of "intellectual capital-based view theory" suggest a novel "knowledge-intensive" or "intellectual-based" framework for achieving competitive advantage or sustainability in which intellectual capital, e.g., HC, is viewed as knowledge-related resources rather than intangible assets. The proposed model may spark new research agenda on how social and environmental considerations aligned with financial performance through HC in organizations. In practice, the study can enlighten top management about the diverse role of HC in its dimensions, which is imperative in any strategic situation and consequences turn into sustainable business performance.
Abstract. This research aims to identify the factors contributing to the dark side of social media usage by looking explicitly at cyberbullying, catfishing, and trolling. The systematic literature review was performed to better understand the factors contributing to the dark side of social media and provide ways in which these factors can be prevented. The systematic literature review has been performed on numerous articles with the aim of gathering information to help identify factors contributing to the dark side of social media. The systematic literature review found that most factors contributing to dark social media are related to Dark Triad personality types. Unfortunately, this means that there is no way to prevent dark social media usage from taking place. Although psychology theories speculate that these personality types can be helped, there is no way of completely stopping them.
Abstract. We conduct a computational analysis of the literature on Conversational AI. We identify the trend based on all publications until the year 2020. We then concentrate on the publications for the last five years between 2016 and 2020 to find out the top ten venues and top three journals where research on Conversational AI has been published. Further, using the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) topic modeling technique, we discover nine important topics discussed in Conversational AI literature and specifically two topics related to the area of coaching. Finally, we detect the key authors who have contributed significantly to Conversational AI research and area(s) related to coaching. We determine the key authors' areas of expertise and how the knowledge is distributed across different regions. Our findings show an increasing trend and thus, an interest in Conversational AI research, predominantly from the authors in Europe.
Abstract. Purpose – Multiple water accounting techniques exist and suffer from data gaps and mis- aligned stakeholders which creates standardization and consolidation problems in the data of the industry. This study identifies domain-based stakeholders and defines stakeholder data relationships to improve inter-stakeholder data efficiency.
Design/methodology/approach – The research design follows an inductive data col- lection of qualitative cross-sectional data through semi-structured expert interviews. The recorded interviews were transcribed, thematically coded, and the findings summarized.
Findings – The result is an improved specificity of water accounting data stakeholders which have different data input and output requirements. Our research found that these stakeholders can be chained together based on their data relationships which enables iden- tifying inter-stakeholder relationships and improved data efficiency.
Social Implications – Water is a vital resource for humans and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. More precise description of stakeholders and data factors enable more efficient data flow which can improve the efficacy of terminal impact.
Originality/value – The awareness of problem is refined by increasing stakeholder speci- ficity and identifying data input/output requirements. This enables chaining of stake- holders and data to clarify stakeholder data requirements and improve data efficiency for purposes such as collaboration and policy guidance.
Abstract. Society 5.0 is defined as “a human-cantered society that balances economic advancement with the resolution of social problems through socio-technical platforms that integrate cyberspace with physical space.” Society 5.0 is still a relatively new field of study, investigating new forms of, and platforms for, human-computer engagement. With the evolution of Society 5.0, it has been recognized that there has been an increase in number of e-hailing services (making use of public transport services through electronic applications) within the transportation industry. Although the introduction of e-haling services are seen as positive, this has also resulted in e-haling related crimes and exploitation. This research aims to present a first attempt classification of e-haling crime and exploitation.
The research was performed by conducting a literature review that considered a subset of 33 peer reviewed articles (through a selection process) on themes relevant to how e- hailing services are exploited and what the modus operandi are when parties engage in e- haling exploitation and crime. Additionally, 7 relevant news articles were also included to make up the full spectrum of literature.
The paper concludes by proposing a classification of the different forms of e-hailing crime and exploitation. This classification can be extended (e.g. the transport of illegal substances and human trafficking) and used in future research as a starting point to limit or prevent e-haling exploitation and crime.
Abstract. Those advocating for technology integration within education claim that teachers need to reform their pedagogic practices to make learning more engaging and relevant. While educational technology researchers claim teachers are primarily responsible for these failures, it seems teachers do not embrace technology unquestionably. This paper aims to develop an understanding of how teachers’ beliefs and professional dispositions (PDs) influence technology use within different social and educational contexts. A set of three interviews were conducted at four South African secondary schools with vastly different social contexts, over different periods of time (before and during COVID) with cross-case analyses. Findings show that the provision of technology does not guarantee integration as use varies amongst teachers within technology-rich schools, with teachers who hold more positive Internal Beliefs (IBs) of technology not only focusing less on External Structure (ES) barriers, but also utilising technology in more varied ways, even to enhance and transform their pedagogic practices. Furthermore, teachers’ PDs seem to exist on a continuum and do not appear to be the sole influencer of technology use, with the context alongside the school’s technology policy and related technology structures influencing teachers’ IBs and resulting technology use. In addition, while mandatory use of technology during COVID led to more positive IBs as teachers understood the value of the technology, this only appears to be true if external structures (ESs) supported the learners as well. Moreover, all teachers expressed their belief that technology is no replacement for face-to-face teaching. Finally, the rich data from the interviews underlined the intricacies of factors influencing the use of technology in classrooms, indicating a need for a meta-theory to gain a holistic understanding of technology use by teachers.
Abstract. Different approaches are adopted in this paper to develop a conceptual Society 5.0 landscape overview as well as a roadmap and a preliminary research agenda. In the first place, we employed Social Network Analysis (SNA) on Twitter to identify the communities and communication around Society 5.0, followed by content analysis of two collected document repositories, one a set of academic publications and one a set of popular press articles on Society 5.0. We used the results of these investigations to develop a conceptual landscape overview of Society 5.0 using the themes that were identified during the analysis. The landscape model was subsequently used as a baseline to develop an initial research agenda for Society 5.0 studies. Anyone interested in doing research or adopting the Society 5.0 vision should benefit from our contributions.
Abstract. Society 5.0, with all its different cyber-physical aspects not only presents a technical challenge, but also significantly changes the structures and business processes of organizations. It requires software engineers and developers to consider a new level of socio-technical interaction and planning. Software should not be the point of friction among products, services and users, but should rather encourage software engineers and developers to become more human-oriented. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the future of work skills in Society 5.0 for software engineers and developers. We collected and analyzed two datasets; one dataset containing academic peer reviewed publications and the second dataset encompassed popular press articles that predicted the future of software engineering and development. We used the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK) to map the data and found that future of work skills for software engineers and developers are driven by software foundations and the evolution of new programming languages and technologies e.g. quantum computing. In addition, software professional practices such as containerization, no / low-code development and fast innovation / prototyping cycles will affect the future of work together with software development practices such as cross-platform development, continuous integration and deployment, and cybersecurity. Based on the findings, we developed a skills evaluation tool that could be used to establish a future of work skills profile. By considering the evolution of the software engineering and –development role, as well as the future requirement due to technology evolution, a software engineer and developer may be able to prepare themselves for the Society 5.0 domain.
Abstract. Digitization extends to all areas of people's lives and processes, including public administration and government technology (GovTech for short). However, there are various problems here, such as the inappropriate development of new application systems, that are to be solved efficiently by combining two aspects: methodical digitization according to the process-driven approach and the idea of an app store for processes. This simultaneously fuels a process competition to advance methodical process digitization in the EU. Furthermore, this study explains the target-oriented use of this “firing” within the EU and concludes with a proposal of a new 3-schema architecture standard for successful process digitization within the EU.
Abstract. Throughout Germany, there is an increasing demand for home-based rehabilitation sports, especially in rural areas. Although current systems already target location- independent remote sports, the practice of training is not possible in groups. Especially the aspect of collaborative rehabilitation sport is demonstrably decisive to strengthen the self-help character of the performance and to achieve positive group dynamic effects. Extended Reality represents a promising technology to provide location-independent effective group rehabilitation sports training. Therefore, the research project MediHopps aims to develop an intelligent full-body holoporation for stand-alone XR glasses, which makes it possible to precisely capture body postures and poses and transfer them to digital avatars in the virtual world just by wearing multisensory glasses. The purpose is to enable collaborative medically precise telerehabilitation in a virtual training room. The intelligent assistance system classifies the recognized movements and detects incorrectly performed exercises. MediHopps thus creates an easily accessible, supervised, qualitatively controlled and location-independent rehabilitation sports training including positive group dynamic effects. The research project solves thereby social challenges referring to limited access possibilities for rehabilitation sport and contributes to a human-centered Society 5.0.
Abstract. Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) is widely used in the public sector and is increasingly understood as a driver of digital transformation. After reviewing the current literature on the EAM Services in the public sector, this article reports on experiences in the realignment of the EAM services in Deutsche Rentenversicherung (DRV - German pension insurance), presents an approach supported by Value Proposition Canvas (VPC), and details the EAM services that were designed using the method.
Abstract. Preschool children, when diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), often ex- perience a long and painful journey on their way to self-advocacy. Access to standard of care is poor, with long waiting times and the feeling of stigmatization in many social set- tings. Early interventions in ASD have been found to deliver promising results, but have a high cost for all stakeholders. Some recent studies have suggested that digital biomarkers (e.g., eye gaze), tracked using affordable wearable devices such as smartphones or tablets, could play a role in identifying children with special needs. In this paper, we discuss the possibility of supporting neurodiverse children with technologies based on digital biomark- ers which can help to a) monitor the performance of children diagnosed with ASD and b) predict those who would benefit most from early interventions. We describe an ongoing feasibility study that uses the “DREAM dataset”, stemming from a clinical study with 61 pre-school children diagnosed with ASD, to identify digital biomarkers informative for the child’s progression on tasks such as imitation of gestures. We describe our vision of a tool that will use these prediction models and that ASD pre-schoolers could use to train certain social skills at home. Our discussion includes the settings in which this usage could be embedded.
Abstract. This paper shows multiple dichotomies between the classical ideal of humanitas and the initial concept of Society 5.0 in the areas of data, diversity, sustainability, and acceleration. It argues that in order to overcome these dichotomies it is required to include humanists in the task of designing solutions to ensure that Society 5.0 will become not only super smart but also worth living in.