Society 5.0 2023: Papers with Abstracts

Abstract. In this text, the authors present for the first time the new 5Co Leadership Concept, which they have developed for the demanding leadership work in Society5.0 and which includes 5 interlinked ways of acting for competent team leadership.
Abstract. The topic of complaint management is receiving more and more attention in both practise and research, particularly the public complaint. Service delivery that meets the needs of its customers has become one important indicator that determines the quality of governments’ services. This paper presents an analysis of public complaint managed by the Public Complaint Bureau (PCB) of Malaysia; a specialised body that handles public complaints. This paper aims to analyse the effectiveness of complaint management system in managing public complaint and provide recommendations. Through this analysis, the performance of PCB has showed significant role in managing public complaint through the continuous improvement of complaint management system to achieve improved service delivery.
Abstract. Cybersecurity management has emerged as a topic of growing importance on a global scale. Applying traditional management practices to cybersecurity is often too cumbersome and can lead to significant delays. Today's enterprises must be able to adapt to ever-evolving digital threats and act with corresponding agility and flexibility. Agile methods are well suited for projects without a defined scope, duration, tasks, and resources and has been identified as suitable for meeting the management challenges of cybersecurity teams. Based on an in-depth literature review, this study assumed that adopting an agile approach to cybersecurity helps organisations manage cybersecurity effectively. A first prototypical model was developed and evaluated which combines agile methods with cybersecurity functions - based on a recognized reference model.
Abstract. Nowadays, teaching methodologies have been fostered by the integration with game- based approaches leading to the birth of the so-called serious games, i.e. games that do not have entertainment as their main purpose but are designed primarily for educational purposes. Although they have always been the subject of debate and criticism, serious games leverage game-based learning for playing an important role in education, showing that they are not just a form of entertainment, but are effective vehicles for dissemination and sharing of knowledge. The effectiveness of serious games is proved by the wide list of software providing this kind of solution. However, it is difficult to find tools that offer at the same time a good level of content customization and the possibility of multiplayer to ensure a more engaging, stimulating, and competitive teaching experience. Nevertheless, almost all these tools are fee-based. With the aim of filling this gap, this paper presents an open-source and free-to-use platform for serious games that is extensible both in the number of games and in the games’ content. More in detail, we propose a platform hosting a catalog, expandable over time, of multiplayer serious games that can be easily tailored to different learning topics, e.g., math, history, and informatics, depending on the teachers’ needs. The platform is meant to be easily extensible and scalable by means of reusable components and features. In addition, the developed application was validated in a series of events, together with students, to check the effectiveness of game-based learning and the general usability of the tool.
Abstract. Systemic risk is considered as one of the greatest, if not the greatest risk faced by retail banks. This paper uses the Theory of Interpersonal Behaviour as theoretical lens to understand systemic risk caused by emotional driven technology enacted client behaviours on mobile banking systems.
A structured literature review was selected as research method through which 34 research papers were selected for the identified research themes, namely mobile banking systems, systemic risk, SA retails banks and theory of interpersonal behaviour. From the identified research papers several sub themes were identified using a thematic analysis. These findings indicate that several factors (both conscious and nonconscious) have an impact on a client's intention to enact systemic risk behaviours via a mobile banking system.
In conclusion the paper proposes a theoretical framework, based on the theory of interpersonal behaviour, for explaining systemic risk enacted by emotionally driven client behaviour on mobile banking systems. From the limitations of the study a number of future research recommendations are also made, including investigating how mobile banking clients can be persuaded to abstain from systemic risk behaviour.
Abstract. To build a more inclusive society that better integrates cyberspace and physical space, we must understand the appeal behind misinformation. Misformation focuses on maintain- ing an exclusive society rather than integrating society. One of the challenges following the era of information explosion is the rapid spread of misinformation in the form of fake news. People’s choices based on misinformation can have dire consequences, especially in smaller developing communities. Therefore, this paper focuses on the emotional tone of fake news in South Africa to better understand its appeal. Introducing an expected emotional score shows that fake news articles contain more overall emotions than non-fake news. Fake news articles are also written with different biases in mind. These biases were detected and separated using clustering algorithms. Introducing a transformer model allowed us to further classify different biases by creating a profile of the emotions each bias contains. It is found that fake news in South Africa contains a roller-coaster of strong emotive words combining feelings of anger, joy, sadness and fear. The ratio of how these words are com- bined depends on a particular bias. These findings can help build better detectors of fake news in the future and create a feedback loop to help write more captivating news articles to foster a more inclusive society.
Abstract. As new Mobility as a Service (MaaS) platforms are being established in Europe, researchers and practitioners seek evidence on the barriers experienced by the MaaS providers in their evolving business ecosystem. This paper conceptualises the MaaS business ecosystem using a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) combined with Actor- Network Theory (ANT) by constructing an actor-network of key actors. This actor- network, along with the identified MaaS business ecosystem barriers, is then used for Multiple Case Study Research, interviewing 18 European MaaS experts. The cross-case analysis revealed how MaaS providers problematise, interest, enrol and mobilise their business ecosystems. Furthermore, the paper outlines and amends key barriers in the areas of (1) technology and data, (2) social and cultural, and (3) policy and regulation. Researchers and practitioners can use the findings of this study to formulate policies, create best practices or conduct further research on the development of MaaS.
Abstract. In this paper, we compare two projects from the cities of Basel and Shenzhen, which are transforming – or in the case of Shenzhen already has – their public transportation from fossil-fuelled to electric vehicles (EVs) only. In so doing, we derive two different processes that could be reused as templates for many other cities in both Switzerland, China or elsewhere. Moreover, to address the far-end goal of actually reaching Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within cities, we propose the vision of a sharable platform as a Smart City Brain for Sustainable Development that will allow the collection of data from individual projects, share them within a community and create re-usable visualisations of important KPIs and other indicators. We also extend the existing concept of technological connectivity to include product material data as well in order to support circularity.
Abstract. Digitization offers new opportunities in the context of students' learning opportunities and strategies, but also risks and challenges. Undisturbed attention is becoming a scarce resource due to multiple opportunities for influence and distraction (e.g., new social me- dia, "attention economy") and is increasingly limiting the learning success of students. "Stolen Focus", low "Attention Span", increased levels of stress and signals of exhaustion and depression in the face of performance and learning demands that tend to remain the same or comparable over the years are signs of an attention crisis and challenge us faculty to actively address this issue in courses. The coming generations (Z etc.) need assistance to regain or improve their self-efficacy in their studies with media literacy, attention, focus and deeper learning.
The authors see this situation as a call for action, aiming to improve students' perception (also meta-awareness) and awareness of the impact of the digitalized and accelerated world on their daily routines, learning and working. The ability to work and learn in a focused way is seen and expected by employers as one of the most important competencies of graduates in a recent study.
The planned project intends to face this challenge by developing a teaching design with different components, consisting of teaching materials (online/offline), a playbook and a "focus for success diary" and is intended to be applied in a regular Bachelor program, where the authors teach the same course in different locations of the university.
Overall, the project should help learners to be better prepared for the demands of the modern world and to be more aware and successful in their learning processes. The social and psychological consequences of digitalization, acceleration and densification will thus become an integral part of the training and the solutions developed will offer a contribution in terms of social sustainability in the context of our ESG efforts.
Abstract. In the age of digitisation, the media industry is faced with declining advertising revenues. Therefore, the focus on the development of new digital products is a key element to survive in such a fast-changing market and to increase the innovation performance. One of the most important elements thereby is the involvement of customers as co-creators in the new product development (NPD) process, so that new digital products are developed that are in demand on the market. However, the process of how companies turn external knowledge from customers into knowledge creation for generating new ideas and the development of innovative products has not been analysed. This pilot study, which presents an initial system of customer co-creation for NPD of digital products from the literature and searches for similarities and dissimilarities through an abductive qualitative data analysis from interviews with three managers in three different Swiss media companies, explores this unresolved research gap. The system of this study is based on an overarching phase model, which is derived from Application Lifecycle Management (ALM). The process anchored in it, which focuses on the customer co-creation of digital products, integrates process elements from the two user-centered approaches, namely User Centered Design (UCD) and Design Thinking (DT). The results from the interviews show that the system is largely in line with the NPD process procedures in the three media companies. It was found that customers can be involved everywhere in the NPD process, but that this is not yet implemented in practice. However, as the future ambition in media companies is to become even more customer- centric, the proposed system in this study is very promising.
Abstract. Decision-making is a complex process that significantly impacts an organization's success. In order to enhance the effectiveness of decision-making, organizations need to consider multiple perspectives, expertise, and experiences. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has received considerable attention from Information Systems (IS) research. Drawing from the General Systems Theory (GST), this qualitative study aims to examine the interplay between AI and decision-making and to identify the barriers and enablers of AI adoption in a South African organization. The data collection was guided by the findings from the literature review followed by a single case study approach using semi-structured interviews as the primary data source. A thematic analysis technique using NVivo software was adopted to facilitate the analysis process by grouping the findings into main themes. This research has identified the following barriers and enablers of AI adoption themes: efficiency, system capability, red tape, business support, job security, staff involvement, and accountability.
Abstract. With the rising number of cyberattacks, such as ransomware attacks and cyber espionage, educating non-cybersecurity professionals to recognize threats has become more important than ever before. However, traditional training methods, such as phishing awareness campaigns, training videos and assessments have proven to be less effective over time. Therefore, it is time to rethink the approach on how to train cyber awareness. In this paper we suggest an alternative approach – a serious game – to educate awareness for common cyberattacks. While many serious games for cybersecurity education exist, all follow a very similar approach: showing people the effects of a cyber attack on their own system or company network. For example, one of the main tasks in these games is to sort out phishing mails. We developed and evaluated a new type of cybersecurity game: an attack simulator, which shows the entire setting from a different perspective. Instead of sorting out phishing mails the players should write phishing mails to trick potential victims and use other forms of cyberattacks. Our game explains the intention of each attack and shows the consequences of a successful attack. This way, we hope, players will get a better understanding on how to detect cyberattacks.
Abstract. The spreading of fake news or misinformation on social media is a serious threat to modern societies, making more and more people susceptible to being unfairly influenced in their decision-making, be it in elections or other democratic processes. We contribute to the body of work in the area of fake news detection by studying cross-platform, multivariate spreading patterns of fake news on Covid-19-related topics – where existing studies have focused strongly on single platforms and/or on single metrics or indicators. Our findings show that there are several attributes that are specific to the cross-platform spreading process that become important predictors of fake news: there is e.g. a clear tendency that fake news travels faster from one platform to the other than real news. Meanwhile, although we have compiled a cross-platform corpus of fake and real news that future research may build on, data availability remains a challenge for future work.
Abstract. The European (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is applicable since May 2018 and has since posed major challenges for small businesses with limited knowledge and resources. According to Art. 35 of the GDPR, a so-called ‘Data Protection Impact Assessment’ (DPIA) is mandatory if a processing of personal data is likely to result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons. There is a demand for low-threshold, practical instruments that support the required DPIA. The objective of this research was to develop a new DPIA instrument that meets the needs – as unit of analysis – of non-technology small businesses and complies with the requirements of the EU GDPR. Design Science Research was used as the methodological framework and identified personas were drivers in the development. The result is two variants of instruments that have been carefully evaluated and proven to be valuable.
Abstract. Society 5.0 is a knowledge-driven society that is impacted by rapid changes in the digital world. Due to the influence of the tools and technologies introduced by Industry 4.0 or the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), Society 5.0 is challenged by the amount of knowledge created through the integration of cyber and physical spaces. The exploitation of the 4IR’s technological advancements increases the potential of knowledge creation, presenting with it a knowledge management (KM) challenge. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to identify the KM methodologies available for adoption in Society 5.0. In this research, systematic literature review was used to identify and evaluate existing KM methodologies from academic reviewed papers published between 2006 and 2020. It was found that some of the KM methodologies are industry specific and derived from best practice, while others focused on the development and implementation of KM systems. Based on the findings, elements of a potential KM methodology for knowledge management in Society 5.0 are presented.
Abstract. Embedding artificial intelligence as part of an organisation’s analytics portfolio can lead to better data-driven business insight, optimised IT systems for greater reliability, and new AI-enabled innovations. However, organisations are struggling to achieve these potential benefits. This paper reviews 45 publications across the Basket of Eight and MIS Quarterly Executive. The study aims to highlight the state-of-the-art information systems research on organisational AI adoption and how to embed AI in organisations. A combination of manual analysis and augmented AI through topic modelling was utilised to conduct the systematic literature review. The literature review confirms that an AI-supported method to conduct a literature review is efficient, but human insight is still required. From the topic modelling analysis, four underlying research themes emerged: AI to support decision- making and its effect on the social side, design of AI solutions, bringing value to business and humans, and lastly, the challenges of embedding AI in organisations. Furthermore, state-of-the-art research is discussed, and the requirement for a holistic sociotechnical view on how organisations can increase the adoption of AI as part of their quest to become more data-driven is highlighted.
Abstract. Artificial Intelligence (AI) are machines designed to think and behave as humans would. Taking AI and placing it into a virtual world they become known as AI agents which uses the knowledge it gained from training to perform tasks in the world. AI agents in the virtual world has only been able to perform a narrow set of tasks with specialised models in environments with limited complexity and diversity. A rich world that requires an agent to continuously learn from and adapt to a wide variety of open-ended tasks and use previously gained knowledge to determine the next course of action will render the agent incapable. In order to investigate the AI teaching methods applied to instruct the agent to perform basic tasks in Minecraft in order to identify which AI teaching methods will yield the best results, a systematic literature review was conducted by extracting 57 papers and identifying themes and sub-themes that suited AI agent training methods and functions. This was to discover wat AI training methods can be implemented to enable an agent to perform tasks in a complex and rich world, contributing to game-based learning. The study found that a well-integrated Reinforcement Learning (RL) method with an effective reward system equipped the agent with the necessary knowledge to be able to perform tasks on a more complex level. A list of unique methods was integrated with RL such as Newtonian Action Advice (NAA), Behavioural Cloning (BC), VideoPreTraining (VPT), human demonstrations, and natural language commands to achieve a certain goal. This meant that AI agents can be taught to perform open ended tasks in a complex environment by setting up a well thought out framework on how to teach the agent in various areas leading to the possibility to incorporate those teachings into the real world through game- based learning.
Abstract. Automated hate speech detection is important to protecting people’s dignity, online experiences, and physical safety in Society 5.0. Transformers are sophisticated pre- trained language models that can be fine-tuned for multilingual hate speech detection. Many studies consider this application as a binary classification problem. Additionally, research on topical hate speech detection use target-specific datasets containing assertions about a particular group. In this paper we investigate multi-class hate speech detection using target-generic datasets. We assess the performance of mBERT and XLM-RoBERTA on high and low resource languages, with limited sample sizes and class imbalance. We find that our fine-tuned mBERT models are performant in detecting gender-targeted hate speech. Our Urdu classifier produces a 31% lift on the baseline model. We also present a pipeline for processing multilingual datasets for multi-class hate speech detection. Our approach could be used in future works on topically focused hate speech detection for other low resource languages, particularly African languages which remain under-explored in this domain.
Abstract. This research paper proposes a digitalization framework based on Society 5.0 principles for promoting resilient and sustainable agricultural value chains in the context of climate change. Climate change is affecting the productivity and sustainability of agricultural systems and threatening food security in many parts of the world. Digitalization has the potential to enhance the resilience of agricultural value chains to climate change by improving efficiency, promoting sustainability, and reducing vulnerability to climate risks. This study reviews the literature to investigate the potential benefits and challenges of Society 5.0-inspired digitalization for agricultural value chains in the context of resilience and sustainability. Further, this study establishes critical design requirements for digitalization, which inform the development of a theoretical framework for Society 5.0-inspired digitalization framework in realizing resilient and sustainable agricultural value chains.
Abstract. The COVID-19 pandemic forced many people to work from home. Even after pandemic restrictions have been lifted, many parents continue to work from home. This poses several challenges and has led to a number of issues related to sharing rooms and equipment, dealing with distractions, and dealing with feelings. This paper examines the issues that arose for parents working from home in Flanders within these three categories, and recommends potential solutions. Data were collected through a survey. The target population of the survey was a group of Flemish parents with children under the age of 18 and working from home during the lockdown. The main findings of the research are summarized as follows. Most respondents did not have a separate workspace at home. This means that parents experienced different distractions at home than while working from the office. Children were the number one distraction for parents working from home. The care of children and the lack of work-life balance were also the main sources of conflict. However, the feelings when working from home are not only negative. Parents felt frustration and powerlessness, as well as motivation and happiness. Based on the analysis of the responses, recommendations are formulated from parents to parents on how to organise working from home with children.
Abstract. The incidence of cyberattacks on healthcare institutions has seen a steady increase over the years, with a massive increase of 42% in 2020. More specifically, INTERPOL reported a substantial increase in ransomware attacks on healthcare institutions at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic. This increase can be attributed to the rise in the adoption of digital technologies, such as the Medical Internet of Things (MIoT), to support healthcare services. The sensitive nature of healthcare data and the volume of data handled by healthcare institutions make them attractive to cybercriminals. When compared to financial data, healthcare data has more value on the dark web. Because a cyberattack on healthcare data could have far-reaching consequences, healthcare institutions should have effective strategies to safeguard unauthorized access. This paper presents the results of a systematic literature review (SLR) that investigated the strategies that can be used to mitigate cybersecurity threats to healthcare data. Forty-one research papers retrieved from three databases were analyzed based on specific inclusion/exclusion criteria. Synthesis of the sources yielded three main themes, namely, (i) emerging technology trends that contribute to cybersecurity vulnerability in the healthcare sector, (ii) current cybersecurity challenges in the healthcare sector, and (iii) cybersecurity countermeasures and mitigation strategies. The research results showed that a holistic approach that incorporates people, technology and adherence to regulations is required to mitigate cybersecurity threats in the healthcare sector. The study has implications for policymakers, vendors/designers of healthcare technologies, and healthcare institution managers.
Abstract. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) operate in an environment where their existence are impacted by information technology – an attribute of Society 5.0, adoption of technologies and resource scarcity. As a key contributor to countries’ economy, SMEs need to innovate, create social businesses, and develop new business models to stand the test of time. Hence, SMEs must focus on key aspects that will empower them to leap- frog the traditional pathways of development and innovate. The purpose of this study is to present SMEs with a disruptive innovation key factor checklist based on an investigation of key disruptive innovation factors from the literature. The disruptive innovation key factor checklist was developed by analyzing a corpus of 137 papers through an automated content analysis process. Ten themes and 38 concepts were identified that informed the categorization to the Technology-Organization-Environment framework and the creation of the disruptive innovation key factor checklist. To create an instantiation of the checklist, we mapped the key factors checklist to an SME case study. By considering the checklist, SMEs are guided to optimize their innovation strategy, stakeholder engagement, technology adoption and innovation impact.