TACL 2013: Keyword Index

Abelian groupsWalker's Cancellation Theorem
admissible rulesA Syntactic Characterization of the Gabbay-de Jongh Logics
algebraic geometryA general framework for geometric dualities for varieties of algebras
algebraic logicDynamic sequent calculus for the logic of Epistemic Actions and Knowledge
algorithmic correspondenceAlgorithmic correspondence for intuitionistic modal mu-calculus, Part 1
Almost structural completenessAlmost structural completeness; an algebraic approach
archimedean lattice-ordered groupTruncated Vector Lattices
basic logicBasic Logic, SMT solvers and finitely generated varieties of GBL-algebras
Belnap logicFour-valued modal logic: Kripke semantics and duality
bimoduleFractal Sets as Final Coalgebras Obtained by Completing an Initial Algebra
BL-algebraChang-Mundici construction of an enveloping unital lattice-group of a BL-algebra
Boolean algebraA new Glivenko Theorem
Boolean powerIdempotent generated algebras and Boolean powers of commutative rings
Boolean-like algebraBoolean like algebras
Bull theoremAn analogue of Bull's theorem for Hybrid Logic
Burnside problemResiduated Lattices, Regular Languages, and Burnside Problem
C*-algebraOpen projections do not form a right residuated lattice
Effect algebras with state operator
Canonical FormulaJankov Formula and Ternary Deductive Term
Cantor derivativeOn the modal logic of the iterated Cantor derivative and finitary operations on topological spaces
Categorical adjunctionA general framework for geometric dualities for varieties of algebras
categorical logicGeneral Topos Semantics for Higher-Order Modal Logic
Categorical methods in logicDynamic sequent calculus for the logic of Epistemic Actions and Knowledge
categorical proof theoryCuts for circular proofs
categorically-algebraic topologyOn fuzzification of topological categories
category theoryScheme representation for first-order logic
CayleyCayley and Holland Theorems for Residuated Lattices
closed mapsOn the modal logic of the iterated Cantor derivative and finitary operations on topological spaces
co-algebraEntropic Hopf algebras
Co-medial algebraRepresentation of the Medial-Like Algebras
Co-paramedial algebraRepresentation of the Medial-Like Algebras
coalgebraDynamic sequent calculus for the logic of Epistemic Actions and Knowledge
commutative monoidEntropic Hopf algebras
compact Hausdorff spaceTruncated Vector Lattices
Idempotent generated algebras and Boolean powers of commutative rings
completely separated sublocalesVariants of normality and their duals: a pointfree unification of insertion and extension theorems for real-valued functions
conditional expectationEffect algebras with state operator
constant domains principleOn the constant domains principle and its weakened versions in the Kripke sheaf semantics
ConstructivismWalker's Cancellation Theorem
continuous extensionVariants of normality and their duals: a pointfree unification of insertion and extension theorems for real-valued functions
Continuous posetDcpo models of T<sub>1</sub> spaces
continuous real functionVariants of normality and their duals: a pointfree unification of insertion and extension theorems for real-valued functions
continuous real-valued functionTruncated Vector Lattices
conucleusReducts and Modal Operators on Residuated Lattices
convex effect algebraEffect algebras with state operator
correspondence theoryAlgorithmic correspondence for intuitionistic modal mu-calculus, Part 2
countable model propertyTopological completeness of extensions of S4
dcpoDcpo models of T<sub>1</sub> spaces
De Morgan monoidsRelevant logic and relation algebras
decision procedureBasic Logic, SMT solvers and finitely generated varieties of GBL-algebras
derivatinal operatorDerivational modal logic of real line with difference modality
derivational modal logicOn the modal logic of the iterated Cantor derivative and finitary operations on topological spaces
Di Nolas representation TheoremAn elementary proof of the completeness of the Lukasiewicz axioms
diagram categoryWalker's Cancellation Theorem
difference modalityDerivational modal logic of real line with difference modality
discriminator varietyBoolean like algebras
double-pointed varietyBoolean like algebras
effect algebraExtensions of ordering sets of states from effect algebras onto their MacNeille completions
Effect algebras, witness pairs and observables
On (finite) distributive lattices with antitone involutions
Effect algebras with state operator
Entropic AlgebraEntropic Hopf algebras
equationally definable principal relative congruencesAlmost structural completeness; an algebraic approach
Esakia dualityPriestley duality for (modal) N4-lattices
Extended-order algebrasRelational groupoids and residuated lattices
extremally disconnected frameVariants of normality and their duals: a pointfree unification of insertion and extension theorems for real-valued functions
Farkas' LemmaAn elementary proof of the completeness of the Lukasiewicz axioms
final coalgebraFractal Sets as Final Coalgebras Obtained by Completing an Initial Algebra
finite axiomatizationDerivational modal logic of real line with difference modality
finite embeddability propertyResiduated Lattices, Regular Languages, and Burnside Problem
The finite embeddability property for some noncommutative knotted extensions of FL
finite model propertyThe finite embeddability property for some noncommutative knotted extensions of FL
Almost structural completeness; an algebraic approach
An analogue of Bull's theorem for Hybrid Logic
A Finite Model Property for Gödel Modal Logics
finitely presented algebraJankov Formula and Ternary Deductive Term
first-order logicScheme representation for first-order logic
fixpointsCuts for circular proofs
fmpDerivational modal logic of real line with difference modality
fractal setFractal Sets as Final Coalgebras Obtained by Completing an Initial Algebra
frame and localeVariants of normality and their duals: a pointfree unification of insertion and extension theorems for real-valued functions
free Boolean extensions and MacNeille completionsFunayama's theorem revisited
functor semanticsOn the constant domains principle and its weakened versions in the Kripke sheaf semantics
Fuzzy LogicTwo-layer modal logics: from fuzzy logics to a general framework
Fuzzy LogicsA Finite Model Property for Gödel Modal Logics
Gabbay-de Jongh logicsA Syntactic Characterization of the Gabbay-de Jongh Logics
Galois adjunctionA general framework for geometric dualities for varieties of algebras
GBL-algebrasBasic Logic, SMT solvers and finitely generated varieties of GBL-algebras
generalized Myhill theoremResiduated Lattices, Regular Languages, and Burnside Problem
Glivenko TheoremA new Glivenko Theorem
GMV-algebrasLaterally complete and projective hulls of semilinear residuated lattices
good sequenceChang-Mundici construction of an enveloping unital lattice-group of a BL-algebra
Gödel logicA Finite Model Property for Gödel Modal Logics
Heyting algebrasAlgorithmic correspondence for intuitionistic modal mu-calculus, Part 2
Higher-Order Modal LogicGeneral Topos Semantics for Higher-Order Modal Logic
Hilbert AlgebrasSpectral-like duality for Distributive Hilbert Algebras with Infimum
Hilbert NullstellensatzA general framework for geometric dualities for varieties of algebras
Hilbert space effect-representationExtensions of ordering sets of states from effect algebras onto their MacNeille completions
HollandCayley and Holland Theorems for Residuated Lattices
Hopf algebraEntropic Hopf algebras
hybrid logicAn analogue of Bull's theorem for Hybrid Logic
idempotent semimoduleCayley and Holland Theorems for Residuated Lattices
idempotent semiringCayley and Holland Theorems for Residuated Lattices
Implicative algebrasRelational groupoids and residuated lattices
Inductive and Coinductive TypesCuts for circular proofs
initial algebraFractal Sets as Final Coalgebras Obtained by Completing an Initial Algebra
initial and final (co)algebrasCuts for circular proofs
intermediate logicA Syntactic Characterization of the Gabbay-de Jongh Logics
intermediate logicsJankov Formula and Ternary Deductive Term
intuitionistic logicAlgorithmic correspondence for intuitionistic modal mu-calculus, Part 1
Algorithmic correspondence for intuitionistic modal mu-calculus, Part 2
Jankov characteristic formulaJankov Formula and Ternary Deductive Term
join and meet infinite distributive lawsFunayama's theorem revisited
Jónsson-Tarski algebraEntropic Hopf algebras
Jónsson-Tarski dualityFour-valued modal logic: Kripke semantics and duality
Katetov relationVariants of normality and their duals: a pointfree unification of insertion and extension theorems for real-valued functions
Kripke modelWalker's Cancellation Theorem
Kripke sheaf semanticsOn the constant domains principle and its weakened versions in the Kripke sheaf semantics
l-groupChang-Mundici construction of an enveloping unital lattice-group of a BL-algebra
Lateral CompletionsLaterally complete and projective hulls of semilinear residuated lattices
lattice homomorphism.On modal components of the S4-logics
lattice of intermediate logicsOn modal components of the S4-logics
lattice of the normal extensions of the modal logic S4On modal components of the S4-logics
lattice of varietiesBasic Logic, SMT solvers and finitely generated varieties of GBL-algebras
lattice with antitone involutionsOn (finite) distributive lattices with antitone involutions
Lattice-ordered Abelian groupSpectra of finitely presented lattice-ordered Abelian groups and MV-algebras, part 1
Spectra of finitely presented lattice-ordered Abelian groups and MV-algebras, part 2
localeTruncated Vector Lattices
logical invarianceTensor products of modal logics
Lukasiewicz logicSpectra of finitely presented lattice-ordered Abelian groups and MV-algebras, part 1
Spectra of finitely presented lattice-ordered Abelian groups and MV-algebras, part 2
MacNeille completionExtensions of ordering sets of states from effect algebras onto their MacNeille completions
many-valued modal logicFour-valued modal logic: Kripke semantics and duality
Medial algebraRepresentation of the Medial-Like Algebras
metric spaceFractal Sets as Final Coalgebras Obtained by Completing an Initial Algebra
modal logicTopological completeness of extensions of S4
Two-layer modal logics: from fuzzy logics to a general framework
Algorithmic correspondence for intuitionistic modal mu-calculus, Part 2
modal logicsDynamic sequent calculus for the logic of Epistemic Actions and Knowledge
modal mu-calculusAlgorithmic correspondence for intuitionistic modal mu-calculus, Part 1
Algorithmic correspondence for intuitionistic modal mu-calculus, Part 2
modal productTensor products of modal logics
moduleGeneralizing the concept of quantum triads
Moebius transformMV-Algebraic Moebius Transform on the Vietoris Space
Monadic algebraProjectivity and unification in the varieties of locally finite monadic MV-algebras
monoidGeneralizing the concept of quantum triads
monotone and antitone functionsA Complete Calculus of Monotone and Antitone Higher-Order Functions
monotonicity calculusA Complete Calculus of Monotone and Antitone Higher-Order Functions
MV-algebraAn elementary proof of the completeness of the Lukasiewicz axioms
Projectivity and unification in the varieties of locally finite monadic MV-algebras
MV-Algebraic Moebius Transform on the Vietoris Space
On (finite) distributive lattices with antitone involutions
Spectra of finitely presented lattice-ordered Abelian groups and MV-algebras, part 1
Spectra of finitely presented lattice-ordered Abelian groups and MV-algebras, part 2
Chang-Mundici construction of an enveloping unital lattice-group of a BL-algebra
Effect algebras with state operator
MV-effect algebraExtensions of ordering sets of states from effect algebras onto their MacNeille completions
Effect algebras with state operator
N4-latticesPriestley duality for (modal) N4-lattices
Four-valued modal logic: Kripke semantics and duality
non-classical logicsDynamic sequent calculus for the logic of Epistemic Actions and Knowledge
non-commutative topologyOpen projections do not form a right residuated lattice
Noncommutative residuated latticesThe finite embeddability property for some noncommutative knotted extensions of FL
normal continuous real functionVariants of normality and their duals: a pointfree unification of insertion and extension theorems for real-valued functions
normal frameVariants of normality and their duals: a pointfree unification of insertion and extension theorems for real-valued functions
nuclei and BooleanizationFunayama's theorem revisited
nucleusReducts and Modal Operators on Residuated Lattices
o-groupChang-Mundici construction of an enveloping unital lattice-group of a BL-algebra
observableEffect algebras, witness pairs and observables
open projectionOpen projections do not form a right residuated lattice
ordered algebraic structuresSpectral-like duality for Distributive Hilbert Algebras with Infimum
ordered vector spaceEffect algebras with state operator
orthomodular latticeOpen projections do not form a right residuated lattice
paraconsistent Nelson logicPriestley duality for (modal) N4-lattices
Four-valued modal logic: Kripke semantics and duality
Paramedial algebraRepresentation of the Medial-Like Algebras
partially residuated latticeOpen projections do not form a right residuated lattice
point-set lattice-theoretic topologyOn fuzzification of topological categories
pointfree topologyVariants of normality and their duals: a pointfree unification of insertion and extension theorems for real-valued functions
poset model of topological spaceDcpo models of T<sub>1</sub> spaces
positive linear operators in Hilbert spaceExtensions of ordering sets of states from effect algebras onto their MacNeille completions
powerset theoryOn fuzzification of topological categories
Priestley dualityPriestley duality for (modal) N4-lattices
projectable completionLaterally complete and projective hulls of semilinear residuated lattices
ProjectivealgebraProjectivity and unification in the varieties of locally finite monadic MV-algebras
Proofs and TypesDynamic sequent calculus for the logic of Epistemic Actions and Knowledge
quantum doubleEntropic Hopf algebras
quasivarietiesAlmost structural completeness; an algebraic approach
reductReducts and Modal Operators on Residuated Lattices
refutation systemsA Syntactic Characterization of the Gabbay-de Jongh Logics
regular algebraRepresentation of the Medial-Like Algebras
regular continuous real functionVariants of normality and their duals: a pointfree unification of insertion and extension theorems for real-valued functions
Regular elementRepresentation of the Medial-Like Algebras
regular languageResiduated Lattices, Regular Languages, and Burnside Problem
relation algebrasRelevant logic and relation algebras
Relational SystemsRelational groupoids and residuated lattices
Relevant logicsRelevant logic and relation algebras
representationCayley and Holland Theorems for Residuated Lattices
residuated latticeResiduated Lattices, Regular Languages, and Burnside Problem
Cayley and Holland Theorems for Residuated Lattices
Reducts and Modal Operators on Residuated Lattices
residuated latticesLaterally complete and projective hulls of semilinear residuated lattices
Relational groupoids and residuated lattices
right residuated latticeOpen projections do not form a right residuated lattice
Sahlqvist correspondenceAlgorithmic correspondence for intuitionistic modal mu-calculus, Part 1
Sahlvist theoryAlgorithmic correspondence for intuitionistic modal mu-calculus, Part 2
scattered spacesOn the modal logic of the iterated Cantor derivative and finitary operations on topological spaces
semicontinuous real functionVariants of normality and their duals: a pointfree unification of insertion and extension theorems for real-valued functions
semilatticeEntropic Hopf algebras
SemilatticesSpectral-like duality for Distributive Hilbert Algebras with Infimum
sober spaceDcpo models of T<sub>1</sub> spaces
Specker algebraIdempotent generated algebras and Boolean powers of commutative rings
Spectral spaceSpectra of finitely presented lattice-ordered Abelian groups and MV-algebras, part 1
Spectra of finitely presented lattice-ordered Abelian groups and MV-algebras, part 2
stateMV-Algebraic Moebius Transform on the Vietoris Space
Stone dualitiesA general framework for geometric dualities for varieties of algebras
Stone dualitySpectra of finitely presented lattice-ordered Abelian groups and MV-algebras, part 1
Spectra of finitely presented lattice-ordered Abelian groups and MV-algebras, part 2
Stone-type dualitiesScheme representation for first-order logic
Spectral-like duality for Distributive Hilbert Algebras with Infimum
strong order unitSpectra of finitely presented lattice-ordered Abelian groups and MV-algebras, part 1
Spectra of finitely presented lattice-ordered Abelian groups and MV-algebras, part 2
strongly projectable completionLaterally complete and projective hulls of semilinear residuated lattices
sublocale latticeVariants of normality and their duals: a pointfree unification of insertion and extension theorems for real-valued functions
substructural logicsDynamic sequent calculus for the logic of Epistemic Actions and Knowledge
superintuitionistic predicate logicsOn the constant domains principle and its weakened versions in the Kripke sheaf semantics
tensor products of modal logicsTensor products of modal logics
topological categoryOn fuzzification of topological categories
topological co-axiomOn fuzzification of topological categories
topological dualityA general framework for geometric dualities for varieties of algebras
topological semanticsTopological completeness of extensions of S4
topological sematicsDerivational modal logic of real line with difference modality
topological theoryOn fuzzification of topological categories
topos-theoretic semanticsGeneral Topos Semantics for Higher-Order Modal Logic
tower extension of topological categoriesOn fuzzification of topological categories
triadGeneralizing the concept of quantum triads
twist-structuresPriestley duality for (modal) N4-lattices
Four-valued modal logic: Kripke semantics and duality
two-level syntaxTwo-layer modal logics: from fuzzy logics to a general framework
typed lambda calculusA Complete Calculus of Monotone and Antitone Higher-Order Functions
ultraproductAn elementary proof of the completeness of the Lukasiewicz axioms
universal algebraA general framework for geometric dualities for varieties of algebras
universal topologyOn fuzzification of topological categories
variety with ternary deductive termJankov Formula and Ternary Deductive Term
vector latticeSpectra of finitely presented lattice-ordered Abelian groups and MV-algebras, part 1
Spectra of finitely presented lattice-ordered Abelian groups and MV-algebras, part 2
Visser logicA new Glivenko Theorem
Well partially ordered setsThe finite embeddability property for some noncommutative knotted extensions of FL
witness mapEffect algebras, witness pairs and observables
zero continuous real functionVariants of normality and their duals: a pointfree unification of insertion and extension theorems for real-valued functions