Turing-100: Editor's Preface

During the twentieth century, a number of thinkers - including Kurt Gödel, von Neumann, and Alan Turing - brought the breadth and depth of vision needed to make a number of key breakthroughs. This was particularly true in the areas of computational science, mathematics, physics, and developmental biology. Important accompanying developments were the building of the first computers; the subsequent use of these computers to simulate human intelligence, the use of mathematics to clarify the limitations and potential of computing machines; the engagement at theoretical and practical levels with simulating and understanding intelligent thought; the modelling of complex processes in nature which appeared to transcend mechanical computation; and the development of a better understanding of how information is created and hidden in the real world.

June 23, 2012 marked the centenary of the birth of Alan Turing. Alan Turing is arguably the most famous computer scientist of all time. The Turing Centenary Conference was held in Manchester on June 22-25, 2012, hosted by The University in Manchester, where Turing worked in 1948-1954. The main theme of the conference was Alan Turing’s Centenary. It had the following aims:

  • to celebrate the life and research of Alan Turing;
  • to bring together the most distinguished scientists, to understand and analyse the history and development of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence;

The conference included two special public lectures, 17 lectures by invited speakers, including lectures presenting the work of Alan Turing, one dinner lecture, two panel discussions, the presentation of awards to the research competition winners and short presentations from the selected research competition winners.

In addition, the Conference included the following events

  • a computer chess event;
  • a poster session;
  • the Turing fellowships award ceremony;
  • the best paper award ceremony;
  • a competition of computer programs proving theorems.

This volume contains proceedings of the poster session presented at the conference. There were 90 poster session submissions reviewed by the international programme committee. The committee decided to accept 32 papers. The programme committee meeting and reviewing was done using the EasyChair conference management system.

This conference was organised by The University of Manchester and the Kurt Gödel Society. It become possible due to a generous support by the John Templeton Foundation, an anonymous donation (main sponsors), Artificial Intelligence Journal, Google, and Office of Naval Research Global (gold sponsors), Microsoft and IOS Press.

Andrei Voronkov
May 23, 2012