WDAM-2017: Editor's Preface

This volume contains proceedings of the first Workshop on Data Analysis in Medicine held in May 2017 at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow. The volume contains one invited paper by Dr. Svetla Boytcheva, 6 regular contributions and 2 project proposals, carefully selected and reviewed by at least two reviewers from the international program commit- tee. The papers accepted for publication report on different aspects of analysis of medical data, among them treatment of data on particular diseases (Consoli- dated mathematical growth model of Breast Cancer CoMBreC, Artificial neural networks for prediction of final height in children with growth hormone deficiency), methods of data analysis (analysis of rare diseases, methods of machine learning and Big Data, subgroup discovery for treatment optimization), and instrumental tools (explanation-oriented methods of data analysis in medicine, information support features of the medical research process, modeling frame- work for medical data semantic transformations, radiology quality management and peer-review system). Organizers of the workshop would like to thank the reviewers for their careful work and all contributors and participants of the workshop.



Sergei Kuznetsov
Alexey Neznanov
Oleg S. Pianykh
May 29, 2017, Moscow