XoveTIC2022: Editor's Preface

The 5th XoveTIC Conference (A Coruna, Spain, 5–6 October 2022), organized by the CITIC center (Research Center of Information and Communication Technologies) of the University of A Coruna (UDC), is a platform for young pre- and postdoctoral researchers to present short communications in different research areas, such as big data, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, HPC (High-performance computing), cybersecurity, bioinformatics or natural language processing. The aim of the conference is to complement and improve the training of young researchers by providing them with a space for debate and scientific exchange. In this fifth edition we recovered the face-to-face modality and the moments of discussion and conviviality in the facilities of CITIC.

The congress was attended by about 100 people, mainly from Galicia but also from the north of Portugal and other Spanish universities.The process of receiving proposals, evaluation and submission of extended abstracts has been carried out through the EasyChair platform.

This volume contains the papers presented at XoveTIC2022: V Congreso XoveTIC held on October 5-6, 2022 in A Coruña. The committee decided to accept 60 papers. Each submission was reviewed by at least 2 program committee members. 

Financial support from Vice-rectorate for Science Policy, Research and Transfer of Universidade da Coruna and Consellería de Cultura, Educacion, Formación professional e Universidades of the Xunta de Galicia (Convenio I+D+i Centro de investigación de Galicia 2019–2022) and the European Union (European Regional Development Fund- ERDF) is gratefully acknowledged.

Álvaro Leitao, Lucía Ramos, Javier Pereira, Manuel G. Penedo
October 5, 2022
A Coruña. Spain