CATA2024: Author Index

Ahmed, EmdadA Survey of Digital Security in Applications and Networking
Almakki, MurtadhaExploring Sentiment on Campus. A Twitter Sentiment Analysis on University Tweets
Baigorria, LorenaDigital Transformation: A Quality Model as a guide to achieve a digital product focused on people
Bandi, AjayA Case Study on the Generative AI Project Life Cycle Using Large Language Models
Bland, MadisonEfficient Communication and Navigation for Soccer Robots using a Time Petri net Model
Campan, AlinaExploring Sentiment on Campus. A Twitter Sentiment Analysis on University Tweets
Chen, JindongConstant Storage for Storing Shortest Paths for a Polyhedron
Cheok, Ka CRear-end Vehicle Collision Avoidance using Reinforced Learning
Chintala, SraawyaConstant Storage for Storing Shortest Paths for a Polyhedron
Chiovarou, ShaneEfficient Communication and Navigation for Soccer Robots using a Time Petri net Model
Chowdhury, Md MinhazAI and Cybersecurity: Collaborator or Confrontation
Evaluating Cybersecurity Risks in NLP Models: Google Bard as Bard of Prey and ChatGPT as Cyber Crime Aide
Costa, EvaldoEvaluating the Use of ChatGPT for Parallel Programming with OpenACC
Damiano, DylanA Survey of Digital Security in Applications and Networking
Debnath, NarayanPseudorandom Binary Generator Based on the Combination of Linear Feedback Shift Registers with Nonlinear Filtering Function
Debnath, NarayanDigital Transformation: A Quality Model as a guide to achieve a digital product focused on people
Do, TrangExploring Sentiment on Campus. A Twitter Sentiment Analysis on University Tweets
Engebretson, PatrickArtificial Intelligence Usage and Data Privacy Discoveries within mHealth
Farías, Andrés AlejandroPseudorandom Binary Generator Based on the Combination of Linear Feedback Shift Registers with Nonlinear Filtering Function
Farías, Andrés FranciscoPseudorandom Binary Generator Based on the Combination of Linear Feedback Shift Registers with Nonlinear Filtering Function
Feng, WenyingBike sharing systems via birth-death process and simulation modelling
Garis, Ana GabrielaPseudorandom Binary Generator Based on the Combination of Linear Feedback Shift Registers with Nonlinear Filtering Function
Gupta, BidyutOn further improvement of data look-up latency in Residue Class (RC) based Peer-2-Peer networks
Unveiling Text Mining Potential: A Comparative Analysis of Document Classification Algorithms
Han, YijieConstant Storage for Storing Shortest Paths for a Polyhedron
Hexmoor, HenryIoT with Blockchain: A New Infrastructure Proposal
Hossain, MohammadData Security in the Cloud Using pTree-based Homomorphic Intrinsic Data Encryption System (pHIDES)
Kagitha, HemanthA Case Study on the Generative AI Project Life Cycle Using Large Language Models
Kaluvakuri, SwathiOn further improvement of data look-up latency in Residue Class (RC) based Peer-2-Peer networks
Kerns, LucyError Assessment for Multi-Join AQP using Bootstrap Sampling
Kim, Seung-yunEfficient Communication and Navigation for Soccer Robots using a Time Petri net Model
Kintali, NarendraRear-end Vehicle Collision Avoidance using Reinforced Learning
Kultinov, KirillThe Implementations and Applications of Elliptic Curve Cryptography
Latif, ShadmanEvaluating Cybersecurity Risks in NLP Models: Google Bard as Bard of Prey and ChatGPT as Cyber Crime Aide
Liu, MeilinThe Implementations and Applications of Elliptic Curve Cryptography
Maghsoudlou, EbrahimIoT with Blockchain: A New Infrastructure Proposal
Maharjan, SabinError Assessment for Multi-Join AQP using Bootstrap Sampling
Min, XiangjiaError Assessment for Multi-Join AQP using Bootstrap Sampling
Mitchell Wynter, IsabellaA Survey of Digital Security in Applications and Networking
Mitra, ReshmiOn further improvement of data look-up latency in Residue Class (RC) based Peer-2-Peer networks
Montejano, GermánPseudorandom Binary Generator Based on the Combination of Linear Feedback Shift Registers with Nonlinear Filtering Function
Montejano, GermánDigital Transformation: A Quality Model as a guide to achieve a digital product focused on people
Murad, Saydul AkbarUnveiling Text Mining Potential: A Comparative Analysis of Document Classification Algorithms
Obinwanne, UchechukwuBike sharing systems via birth-death process and simulation modelling
Orner, CollinAI and Cybersecurity: Collaborator or Confrontation
Penchala, SindhujaUnveiling Text Mining Potential: A Comparative Analysis of Document Classification Algorithms
Peralta, Mario GabrielDigital Transformation: A Quality Model as a guide to achieve a digital product focused on people
Rahimi, NickOn further improvement of data look-up latency in Residue Class (RC) based Peer-2-Peer networks
Unveiling Text Mining Potential: A Comparative Analysis of Document Classification Algorithms
Riesco, DanielPseudorandom Binary Generator Based on the Combination of Linear Feedback Shift Registers with Nonlinear Filtering Function
Digital Transformation: A Quality Model as a guide to achieve a digital product focused on people
Roy, IndranilOn further improvement of data look-up latency in Residue Class (RC) based Peer-2-Peer networks
Unveiling Text Mining Potential: A Comparative Analysis of Document Classification Algorithms
Salgado, Carlos HumbertoDigital Transformation: A Quality Model as a guide to achieve a digital product focused on people
Schulte, JenniferArtificial Intelligence Usage and Data Privacy Discoveries within mHealth
Sebi, NashwanRear-end Vehicle Collision Avoidance using Reinforced Learning
Sharma, VinayakData Security in the Cloud Using pTree-based Homomorphic Intrinsic Data Encryption System (pHIDES)
Shields, JonathanOptimizing Time Complexity: A Comparative Analysis of Techniques in Recursive Algorithms - A Case Study with Path Sum Algorithm in Graphs and Binary Trees
Silva, GabrielEvaluating the Use of ChatGPT for Parallel Programming with OpenACC
Spanier, MarkArtificial Intelligence Usage and Data Privacy Discoveries within mHealth
Srivatanakul, ThitimaOptimizing Time Complexity: A Comparative Analysis of Techniques in Recursive Algorithms - A Case Study with Path Sum Algorithm in Graphs and Binary Trees
Truta, Traian MariusExploring Sentiment on Campus. A Twitter Sentiment Analysis on University Tweets
Wallwork, LenaBike sharing systems via birth-death process and simulation modelling
Wang, ChongjunThe Implementations and Applications of Elliptic Curve Cryptography
Wohlbach, CameronEvaluating Cybersecurity Risks in NLP Models: Google Bard as Bard of Prey and ChatGPT as Cyber Crime Aide
Yu, FengError Assessment for Multi-Join AQP using Bootstrap Sampling