CATA2024: Keyword Index

AccessibilityDigital Transformation: A Quality Model as a guide to achieve a digital product focused on people
AIEvaluating Cybersecurity Risks in NLP Models: Google Bard as Bard of Prey and ChatGPT as Cyber Crime Aide
AI ModelEvaluating Cybersecurity Risks in NLP Models: Google Bard as Bard of Prey and ChatGPT as Cyber Crime Aide
AI-based security systemsAI and Cybersecurity: Collaborator or Confrontation
Approximate Query ProcessingError Assessment for Multi-Join AQP using Bootstrap Sampling
Artificial IntelligenceArtificial Intelligence Usage and Data Privacy Discoveries within mHealth
Asymmetric KeyA Survey of Digital Security in Applications and Networking
Bard of PreyEvaluating Cybersecurity Risks in NLP Models: Google Bard as Bard of Prey and ChatGPT as Cyber Crime Aide
Bike sharing systemBike sharing systems via birth-death process and simulation modelling
binary treeOptimizing Time Complexity: A Comparative Analysis of Techniques in Recursive Algorithms - A Case Study with Path Sum Algorithm in Graphs and Binary Trees
birth-death processBike sharing systems via birth-death process and simulation modelling
BlockchainIoT with Blockchain: A New Infrastructure Proposal
Boolean functionPseudorandom Binary Generator Based on the Combination of Linear Feedback Shift Registers with Nonlinear Filtering Function
bootstrap samplingError Assessment for Multi-Join AQP using Bootstrap Sampling
ChatbotEvaluating Cybersecurity Risks in NLP Models: Google Bard as Bard of Prey and ChatGPT as Cyber Crime Aide
A Case Study on the Generative AI Project Life Cycle Using Large Language Models
ChatGPTEvaluating the Use of ChatGPT for Parallel Programming with OpenACC
Evaluating Cybersecurity Risks in NLP Models: Google Bard as Bard of Prey and ChatGPT as Cyber Crime Aide
A Case Study on the Generative AI Project Life Cycle Using Large Language Models
CloudData Security in the Cloud Using pTree-based Homomorphic Intrinsic Data Encryption System (pHIDES)
communicationEfficient Communication and Navigation for Soccer Robots using a Time Petri net Model
Constant storageConstant Storage for Storing Shortest Paths for a Polyhedron
Cyber-Physical SystemsIoT with Blockchain: A New Infrastructure Proposal
Data SecurityData Security in the Cloud Using pTree-based Homomorphic Intrinsic Data Encryption System (pHIDES)
Deep Deterministic Policy GradientRear-end Vehicle Collision Avoidance using Reinforced Learning
digital signatureA Survey of Digital Security in Applications and Networking
document categorizationUnveiling Text Mining Potential: A Comparative Analysis of Document Classification Algorithms
ECCThe Implementations and Applications of Elliptic Curve Cryptography
ECDHThe Implementations and Applications of Elliptic Curve Cryptography
EducationEvaluating the Use of ChatGPT for Parallel Programming with OpenACC
ElGamalThe Implementations and Applications of Elliptic Curve Cryptography
Elliptic CurveThe Implementations and Applications of Elliptic Curve Cryptography
Elliptic Curve CryptographyThe Implementations and Applications of Elliptic Curve Cryptography
embeddingsA Case Study on the Generative AI Project Life Cycle Using Large Language Models
EncryptionData Security in the Cloud Using pTree-based Homomorphic Intrinsic Data Encryption System (pHIDES)
error estimationError Assessment for Multi-Join AQP using Bootstrap Sampling
evaluatingEvaluating the Use of ChatGPT for Parallel Programming with OpenACC
Federated LearningArtificial Intelligence Usage and Data Privacy Discoveries within mHealth
generatorPseudorandom Binary Generator Based on the Combination of Linear Feedback Shift Registers with Nonlinear Filtering Function
Google BardEvaluating Cybersecurity Risks in NLP Models: Google Bard as Bard of Prey and ChatGPT as Cyber Crime Aide
GPTA Case Study on the Generative AI Project Life Cycle Using Large Language Models
graphOptimizing Time Complexity: A Comparative Analysis of Techniques in Recursive Algorithms - A Case Study with Path Sum Algorithm in Graphs and Binary Trees
HomomorphicData Security in the Cloud Using pTree-based Homomorphic Intrinsic Data Encryption System (pHIDES)
human-centered designDigital Transformation: A Quality Model as a guide to achieve a digital product focused on people
interactionDigital Transformation: A Quality Model as a guide to achieve a digital product focused on people
Internet of ThingsIoT with Blockchain: A New Infrastructure Proposal
k-anonymityArtificial Intelligence Usage and Data Privacy Discoveries within mHealth
keyPseudorandom Binary Generator Based on the Combination of Linear Feedback Shift Registers with Nonlinear Filtering Function
Large Language Models (LLMs)A Case Study on the Generative AI Project Life Cycle Using Large Language Models
LatencyOn further improvement of data look-up latency in Residue Class (RC) based Peer-2-Peer networks
LFSRPseudorandom Binary Generator Based on the Combination of Linear Feedback Shift Registers with Nonlinear Filtering Function
machine learningArtificial Intelligence Usage and Data Privacy Discoveries within mHealth
Unveiling Text Mining Potential: A Comparative Analysis of Document Classification Algorithms
Evaluating Cybersecurity Risks in NLP Models: Google Bard as Bard of Prey and ChatGPT as Cyber Crime Aide
MalwareEvaluating Cybersecurity Risks in NLP Models: Google Bard as Bard of Prey and ChatGPT as Cyber Crime Aide
Markov NetworkBike sharing systems via birth-death process and simulation modelling
memoizationOptimizing Time Complexity: A Comparative Analysis of Techniques in Recursive Algorithms - A Case Study with Path Sum Algorithm in Graphs and Binary Trees
Natural Language ProcessingEvaluating Cybersecurity Risks in NLP Models: Google Bard as Bard of Prey and ChatGPT as Cyber Crime Aide
Natural Language Processing (NLP)A Case Study on the Generative AI Project Life Cycle Using Large Language Models
neural networksUnveiling Text Mining Potential: A Comparative Analysis of Document Classification Algorithms
NISTAI and Cybersecurity: Collaborator or Confrontation
non-linearityPseudorandom Binary Generator Based on the Combination of Linear Feedback Shift Registers with Nonlinear Filtering Function
OpenACCEvaluating the Use of ChatGPT for Parallel Programming with OpenACC
OpenAIEvaluating Cybersecurity Risks in NLP Models: Google Bard as Bard of Prey and ChatGPT as Cyber Crime Aide
OptimizationOptimizing Time Complexity: A Comparative Analysis of Techniques in Recursive Algorithms - A Case Study with Path Sum Algorithm in Graphs and Binary Trees
P2P networksOn further improvement of data look-up latency in Residue Class (RC) based Peer-2-Peer networks
parallel programmingEvaluating the Use of ChatGPT for Parallel Programming with OpenACC
Petri netsEfficient Communication and Navigation for Soccer Robots using a Time Petri net Model
PhishingEvaluating Cybersecurity Risks in NLP Models: Google Bard as Bard of Prey and ChatGPT as Cyber Crime Aide
Point OperationsThe Implementations and Applications of Elliptic Curve Cryptography
polyhedronConstant Storage for Storing Shortest Paths for a Polyhedron
private keyA Survey of Digital Security in Applications and Networking
pTreeData Security in the Cloud Using pTree-based Homomorphic Intrinsic Data Encryption System (pHIDES)
public keyA Survey of Digital Security in Applications and Networking
rear-end collisionRear-end Vehicle Collision Avoidance using Reinforced Learning
recursionOptimizing Time Complexity: A Comparative Analysis of Techniques in Recursive Algorithms - A Case Study with Path Sum Algorithm in Graphs and Binary Trees
Reinforcement LearningRear-end Vehicle Collision Avoidance using Reinforced Learning
Residue classOn further improvement of data look-up latency in Residue Class (RC) based Peer-2-Peer networks
robot navigationEfficient Communication and Navigation for Soccer Robots using a Time Petri net Model
RSAA Survey of Digital Security in Applications and Networking
Script KiddieEvaluating Cybersecurity Risks in NLP Models: Google Bard as Bard of Prey and ChatGPT as Cyber Crime Aide
SecurityA Survey of Digital Security in Applications and Networking
Sentiment AnalysisExploring Sentiment on Campus. A Twitter Sentiment Analysis on University Tweets
SHAA Survey of Digital Security in Applications and Networking
Shortest paths storing and retrievalConstant Storage for Storing Shortest Paths for a Polyhedron
simulationBike sharing systems via birth-death process and simulation modelling
social networksExploring Sentiment on Campus. A Twitter Sentiment Analysis on University Tweets
star networkOn further improvement of data look-up latency in Residue Class (RC) based Peer-2-Peer networks
TabulationOptimizing Time Complexity: A Comparative Analysis of Techniques in Recursive Algorithms - A Case Study with Path Sum Algorithm in Graphs and Binary Trees
text classificationUnveiling Text Mining Potential: A Comparative Analysis of Document Classification Algorithms
text miningUnveiling Text Mining Potential: A Comparative Analysis of Document Classification Algorithms
Timed Petri netsEfficient Communication and Navigation for Soccer Robots using a Time Petri net Model
transformerA Case Study on the Generative AI Project Life Cycle Using Large Language Models
TwitterExploring Sentiment on Campus. A Twitter Sentiment Analysis on University Tweets
user experienceDigital Transformation: A Quality Model as a guide to achieve a digital product focused on people
Vector DatabaseA Case Study on the Generative AI Project Life Cycle Using Large Language Models
Zero Trust Security frameworkAI and Cybersecurity: Collaborator or Confrontation