AUBEA 2017: Keyword Index

21st century skillsBuilding Stem Skills in Built Environment Education
academic performanceDeterminants of Academic Quality Disparity Among Construction Post-Graduate Students in Ghana.
accident investigationAn Ethnographic Investigation into a Series of Incidents on a Large Construction Project
accident preventionOverview and Analysis of Digital Technologies Designed for Construction Safety Management
adult learningA Comparative Study of Traditional and Compressed Scheduling on Undergraduate Construction Students’ Performance
apartment qualityForm and Performance: Tall Concrete Structures and Apartment Quality in Melbourne’s Residential Towers
Asia Pacific Private Wealth.The Australian Residential Property Market: A Study on Foreign Real Estate Investment
Asset ManagementA Change Management Perspective on BIM-FM Implementation
attitudesPersonal Risk Attitudes in Postgraduate Risk Management Education
AustraliaThe Australian Residential Property Market: A Study on Foreign Real Estate Investment
Role of Regulatory Framework for Supporting Construction Industry in India
“If you Cannot Measure it, you Cannot Manage it” – Buildability and Performance-Based Appraisal
Australia.Global Mobility Experience of Outbound Construction Management Students: the Case of Western Sydney University
AutismInclusion and Wellbeing for People with Autism and the Role of Built Environment
BarriersA Framework for Successful Implementation of Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) in Construction Organisations
BIMPreliminary Investigation of the Residential Housing Contractors’ View of the Adoption of BIM Technology
Towards Managing Iterative Changes in BIM Collaboration Workflows
BIM adoptionThe Impact of Individual Beliefs and Expectations on BIM Adoption in the AEC Industry
BIM EducationBIM Education -Case New Zealand
BIM IntegrationBIM Education -Case New Zealand
Buildability“If you Cannot Measure it, you Cannot Manage it” – Buildability and Performance-Based Appraisal
buildingRole of Regulatory Framework for Supporting Construction Industry in India
Prefabrication Technique for Low Cost Housing in Assam
Building Information ModelPreliminary Investigation of the Residential Housing Contractors’ View of the Adoption of BIM Technology
Building Information ModellingImproving Buildings Facility Intelligence in Higher Education Precinct: A socioBIM Approach
A Change Management Perspective on BIM-FM Implementation
The Impact of Individual Beliefs and Expectations on BIM Adoption in the AEC Industry
building/construction/structural accidents/failuresImplications of Building Accidents in Urban Settings for Building Safety Studies
built environmentIntegrating Interdisciplinary Thinking and Practice: a Case Study of a Victorian University in Australia
Improving Australian Commercial Property Market Forecasting by Mapping Structural Changes in Built Environment
Inclusion and Wellbeing for People with Autism and the Role of Built Environment
Fostering Student Work Readiness – a University Case Study
The Link Between Building Maintenance, Work Stress/Satisfaction and Resident Quality of Life in Residential Aged Care
Carbon reductionDecision Making of Carbon Reduction Strategies Adoption– A Case Study in Greater Melbourne Region
Change ManagementA Change Management Perspective on BIM-FM Implementation
Cold-formedUnderstanding the Benefits of Constructing a Residential House with a Heart of Cold-Formed Steel
collaborationEarly Contractor Involvement (ECI) in Event Planning and Management
Development of a Collaborative Training Partnership in the NZ Construction Industry
commercial buildersProfitability of Commercial Construction Companies in Australia
Commercial Property MarketImproving Australian Commercial Property Market Forecasting by Mapping Structural Changes in Built Environment
commitmentComparing Continuance Commitment in a Project Orientated Organization.
competitivenessProfitability of Commercial Construction Companies in Australia
Compressed SchedulingA Comparative Study of Traditional and Compressed Scheduling on Undergraduate Construction Students’ Performance
constructionBuilding Stem Skills in Built Environment Education
An Ethnographic Investigation into a Series of Incidents on a Large Construction Project
Role of Regulatory Framework for Supporting Construction Industry in India
Construction DocumentsApplication of RFID in the Prefabricated Timber Industry
Construction EducationDeterminants of Academic Quality Disparity Among Construction Post-Graduate Students in Ghana.
Construction futuresPreparing Students for a Disruptive Construction Future
Construction IndustryIdentifying Barriers to Retaining Female Professionals in Engineering and Construction Organisations
Global Mobility Experience of Outbound Construction Management Students: the Case of Western Sydney University
Construction ManagementResetting the Compass: An Immersive Intervention to Develop Abilities in Construction Management
Preliminary Investigation of the Residential Housing Contractors’ View of the Adoption of BIM Technology
Implications of Building Accidents in Urban Settings for Building Safety Studies
Rural Construction Management for Developing Economies: Implications for Professional Education - the Case of Assam
Appraising Constructive Alignment in a Construction Management Programme
Construction OrganisationsA Framework for Successful Implementation of Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) in Construction Organisations
Construction Post-Graduate StudentsDeterminants of Academic Quality Disparity Among Construction Post-Graduate Students in Ghana.
Construction Practice“If you Cannot Measure it, you Cannot Manage it” – Buildability and Performance-Based Appraisal
construction project managementImproving the Student Experience with Learning Analytics in Construction Project Management Courses
construction project organisationsDecision Making of Carbon Reduction Strategies Adoption– A Case Study in Greater Melbourne Region
Construction projectsModelling Green Technology Adoption Based on Sustainable Construction Practices
Construction SafetyOverview and Analysis of Digital Technologies Designed for Construction Safety Management
Construction Student PerformanceA Comparative Study of Traditional and Compressed Scheduling on Undergraduate Construction Students’ Performance
constructive alignmentAppraising Constructive Alignment in a Construction Management Programme
consultativeConsultative Design as an Approach Towards Socially Sustainable Residential Aged Care
cultureSignificance of Culture and Education in Developing Smart Villages in India
Cumulative Weighted AverageDeterminants of Academic Quality Disparity Among Construction Post-Graduate Students in Ghana.
curriculumIntegrating Interdisciplinary Thinking and Practice: a Case Study of a Victorian University in Australia
Meeting Changing Industry Expectations from Australian Property Valuation Graduates
BIM Education -Case New Zealand
decision makingDecision Making of Carbon Reduction Strategies Adoption– A Case Study in Greater Melbourne Region
Deregulation“If you Cannot Measure it, you Cannot Manage it” – Buildability and Performance-Based Appraisal
DesignConsultative Design as an Approach Towards Socially Sustainable Residential Aged Care
design coursesFactors Affecting Construction Students’ Satisfaction with Grades in Design Courses
developing countriesImplications of Building Accidents in Urban Settings for Building Safety Studies
developing economiesRural Construction Management for Developing Economies: Implications for Professional Education - the Case of Assam
Digital Real EstateModelling User Perception of Online Visualisation in Real Estate Marketplaces
digital technologyOverview and Analysis of Digital Technologies Designed for Construction Safety Management
DigitisationPreparing Students for a Disruptive Construction Future
disruptionPreparing Students for a Disruptive Construction Future
ECIEarly Contractor Involvement (ECI) in Event Planning and Management
EducationGlobal Mobility Experience of Outbound Construction Management Students: the Case of Western Sydney University
Personal Risk Attitudes in Postgraduate Risk Management Education
Significance of Culture and Education in Developing Smart Villages in India
educational precinctSeasonal Usage Pattern of Outdoor Spaces in Educational Precincts
effectsA Framework for Property Developers to Survive in a Recession
EmployabilityBuilding Stem Skills in Built Environment Education
employability skillsMeeting Changing Industry Expectations from Australian Property Valuation Graduates
Employee RetentionIdentifying Barriers to Retaining Female Professionals in Engineering and Construction Organisations
engineering and constructionEngineering and Construction Expertise Transfusion at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: A KM case study
Engineering IndustryIdentifying Barriers to Retaining Female Professionals in Engineering and Construction Organisations
ethnographyAn Ethnographic Investigation into a Series of Incidents on a Large Construction Project
Appraising Constructive Alignment in a Construction Management Programme
Event ManagementEarly Contractor Involvement (ECI) in Event Planning and Management
Facilities ManagementA Change Management Perspective on BIM-FM Implementation
Facility ManagementImproving Buildings Facility Intelligence in Higher Education Precinct: A socioBIM Approach
field surveySeasonal Usage Pattern of Outdoor Spaces in Educational Precincts
ForecastingImproving Australian Commercial Property Market Forecasting by Mapping Structural Changes in Built Environment
Foreign Real Estate Investment (FREI)The Australian Residential Property Market: A Study on Foreign Real Estate Investment
Form optimizationTall Building Design Exploration: Designing For Wind Resilience
Gender diversityIdentifying Barriers to Retaining Female Professionals in Engineering and Construction Organisations
global mobilityGlobal Mobility Experience of Outbound Construction Management Students: the Case of Western Sydney University
GlobalisationPreparing Students for a Disruptive Construction Future
Governance FunctionsThe Core Functions of Project Governance
gradesFactors Affecting Construction Students’ Satisfaction with Grades in Design Courses
graduate capabilitiesBIM Education -Case New Zealand
graduatesBuilding Stem Skills in Built Environment Education
Green BuildingModelling Green Technology Adoption Based on Sustainable Construction Practices
Green supply chain management (GSCM)A Framework for Successful Implementation of Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) in Construction Organisations
higher educationImproving Buildings Facility Intelligence in Higher Education Precinct: A socioBIM Approach
Leading the Way: Peer to Peer Mentoring to Improve the Experience and Adaptability of Australian and Chinese University Students
Improving the Student Experience with Learning Analytics in Construction Project Management Courses
Housing CrisisUse of Timber Prefab System for Ensuring Sustainable Residential Housing Supply in New Zealand
Housing marketsThe Australian Residential Property Market: A Study on Foreign Real Estate Investment
IFCTowards Managing Iterative Changes in BIM Collaboration Workflows
inclusionInclusion and Wellbeing for People with Autism and the Role of Built Environment
IndiaRole of Regulatory Framework for Supporting Construction Industry in India
Prefabrication Technique for Low Cost Housing in Assam
Individual believes and expectationsThe Impact of Individual Beliefs and Expectations on BIM Adoption in the AEC Industry
industrial experienceGlobal Mobility Experience of Outbound Construction Management Students: the Case of Western Sydney University
industrialisationPreparing Students for a Disruptive Construction Future
Industry involvementFostering Student Work Readiness – a University Case Study
InnovationPreparing Students for a Disruptive Construction Future
IntegrationInclusion and Wellbeing for People with Autism and the Role of Built Environment
intelligenceImproving Buildings Facility Intelligence in Higher Education Precinct: A socioBIM Approach
interdisciplinaryIntegrating Interdisciplinary Thinking and Practice: a Case Study of a Victorian University in Australia
International student experienceLeading the Way: Peer to Peer Mentoring to Improve the Experience and Adaptability of Australian and Chinese University Students
Internet of ThingsPreparing Students for a Disruptive Construction Future
IssuesStructural Equation Model of Strategies for Successful Stakeholder Management in PPPs
Keywords: Knowledge managementEngineering and Construction Expertise Transfusion at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: A KM case study
knowledge transfusionEngineering and Construction Expertise Transfusion at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: A KM case study
learning analyticsImproving the Student Experience with Learning Analytics in Construction Project Management Courses
learning environmentImproving Buildings Facility Intelligence in Higher Education Precinct: A socioBIM Approach
life qualitySeasonal Usage Pattern of Outdoor Spaces in Educational Precincts
literature reviewTraining Transfer as the Result of Rational Decision-Making Process
Living LaboratoriesIntegrating Interdisciplinary Thinking and Practice: a Case Study of a Victorian University in Australia
low-riseUnderstanding the Benefits of Constructing a Residential House with a Heart of Cold-Formed Steel
MaintenanceThe Link Between Building Maintenance, Work Stress/Satisfaction and Resident Quality of Life in Residential Aged Care
managementPersonal Risk Attitudes in Postgraduate Risk Management Education
Management trainingDevelopment of a Collaborative Training Partnership in the NZ Construction Industry
MelbourneForm and Performance: Tall Concrete Structures and Apartment Quality in Melbourne’s Residential Towers
model comparisonTowards Managing Iterative Changes in BIM Collaboration Workflows
Model ServerTowards Managing Iterative Changes in BIM Collaboration Workflows
models of training transferTraining Transfer as the Result of Rational Decision-Making Process
national approachBIM Education -Case New Zealand
online marketingModelling User Perception of Online Visualisation in Real Estate Marketplaces
organisational learningDevelopment of a Collaborative Training Partnership in the NZ Construction Industry
organizationComparing Continuance Commitment in a Project Orientated Organization.
outbound studentsGlobal Mobility Experience of Outbound Construction Management Students: the Case of Western Sydney University
partnershipDevelopment of a Collaborative Training Partnership in the NZ Construction Industry
Peer to Peer MentoringLeading the Way: Peer to Peer Mentoring to Improve the Experience and Adaptability of Australian and Chinese University Students
performance-based design“If you Cannot Measure it, you Cannot Manage it” – Buildability and Performance-Based Appraisal
Performance-based tall building designTall Building Design Exploration: Designing For Wind Resilience
postgraduatePersonal Risk Attitudes in Postgraduate Risk Management Education
PrefabUse of Timber Prefab System for Ensuring Sustainable Residential Housing Supply in New Zealand
Prefabricated TimberApplication of RFID in the Prefabricated Timber Industry
PrefabricationPrefabrication Technique for Low Cost Housing in Assam
professional educationRural Construction Management for Developing Economies: Implications for Professional Education - the Case of Assam
ProfitabilityProfitability of Commercial Construction Companies in Australia
projectComparing Continuance Commitment in a Project Orientated Organization.
Project DeliveryA Change Management Perspective on BIM-FM Implementation
Project GovernanceThe Core Functions of Project Governance
project managementEarly Contractor Involvement (ECI) in Event Planning and Management
Project ValuesThe Core Functions of Project Governance
Property developmentA Framework for Property Developers to Survive in a Recession
Property valuation industryMeeting Changing Industry Expectations from Australian Property Valuation Graduates
Public Private PartnershipsStructural Equation Model of Strategies for Successful Stakeholder Management in PPPs
RecessionA Framework for Property Developers to Survive in a Recession
reciprocal learningLeading the Way: Peer to Peer Mentoring to Improve the Experience and Adaptability of Australian and Chinese University Students
RegulationsRole of Regulatory Framework for Supporting Construction Industry in India
ResidentialUse of Timber Prefab System for Ensuring Sustainable Residential Housing Supply in New Zealand
residential aged careConsultative Design as an Approach Towards Socially Sustainable Residential Aged Care
The Link Between Building Maintenance, Work Stress/Satisfaction and Resident Quality of Life in Residential Aged Care
Residential HousingPreliminary Investigation of the Residential Housing Contractors’ View of the Adoption of BIM Technology
Residential propertyThe Australian Residential Property Market: A Study on Foreign Real Estate Investment
residential structuresUnderstanding the Benefits of Constructing a Residential House with a Heart of Cold-Formed Steel
Resource PlanningPreliminary Investigation of the Residential Housing Contractors’ View of the Adoption of BIM Technology
RFIDApplication of RFID in the Prefabricated Timber Industry
RiskPersonal Risk Attitudes in Postgraduate Risk Management Education
RuralSignificance of Culture and Education in Developing Smart Villages in India
Prefabrication Technique for Low Cost Housing in Assam
Rural Development.Rural Construction Management for Developing Economies: Implications for Professional Education - the Case of Assam
safetyAn Ethnographic Investigation into a Series of Incidents on a Large Construction Project
SatisfactionFactors Affecting Construction Students’ Satisfaction with Grades in Design Courses
Site coordinationEssential Site Coordination Problems in Hong Kong Building Projects
Smart TechnologyModelling User Perception of Online Visualisation in Real Estate Marketplaces
Smart VillagesSignificance of Culture and Education in Developing Smart Villages in India
Prefabrication Technique for Low Cost Housing in Assam
Stakeholder ManagementStructural Equation Model of Strategies for Successful Stakeholder Management in PPPs
Steel framingUnderstanding the Benefits of Constructing a Residential House with a Heart of Cold-Formed Steel
STEMBuilding Stem Skills in Built Environment Education
strategiesStructural Equation Model of Strategies for Successful Stakeholder Management in PPPs
A Framework for Successful Implementation of Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) in Construction Organisations
A Framework for Property Developers to Survive in a Recession
structural changesImproving Australian Commercial Property Market Forecasting by Mapping Structural Changes in Built Environment
structural designForm and Performance: Tall Concrete Structures and Apartment Quality in Melbourne’s Residential Towers
Structural Equation ModellingStructural Equation Model of Strategies for Successful Stakeholder Management in PPPs
student perspectiveFostering Student Work Readiness – a University Case Study
studentsResetting the Compass: An Immersive Intervention to Develop Abilities in Construction Management
Integrating Interdisciplinary Thinking and Practice: a Case Study of a Victorian University in Australia
Factors Affecting Construction Students’ Satisfaction with Grades in Design Courses
SubcontractorEssential Site Coordination Problems in Hong Kong Building Projects
supply chainApplication of RFID in the Prefabricated Timber Industry
SustainabilityIntegrating Interdisciplinary Thinking and Practice: a Case Study of a Victorian University in Australia
Use of Timber Prefab System for Ensuring Sustainable Residential Housing Supply in New Zealand
Modelling Green Technology Adoption Based on Sustainable Construction Practices
sustainable citiesImplications of Building Accidents in Urban Settings for Building Safety Studies
tall buildingsForm and Performance: Tall Concrete Structures and Apartment Quality in Melbourne’s Residential Towers
team buildingResetting the Compass: An Immersive Intervention to Develop Abilities in Construction Management
Technology Acceptance ModelThe Impact of Individual Beliefs and Expectations on BIM Adoption in the AEC Industry
Technology Adoption ModelModelling Green Technology Adoption Based on Sustainable Construction Practices
tertiary educationMeeting Changing Industry Expectations from Australian Property Valuation Graduates
Tertiary Education BuildingsA Change Management Perspective on BIM-FM Implementation
the Theory of Planned BehaviourTraining Transfer as the Result of Rational Decision-Making Process
thermal conditionSeasonal Usage Pattern of Outdoor Spaces in Educational Precincts
TimberUse of Timber Prefab System for Ensuring Sustainable Residential Housing Supply in New Zealand
Application of RFID in the Prefabricated Timber Industry
time performanceEssential Site Coordination Problems in Hong Kong Building Projects
Traditional SchedulingA Comparative Study of Traditional and Compressed Scheduling on Undergraduate Construction Students’ Performance
Training transferTraining Transfer as the Result of Rational Decision-Making Process
tutorsFactors Affecting Construction Students’ Satisfaction with Grades in Design Courses
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)Engineering and Construction Expertise Transfusion at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: A KM case study
university initiativesFostering Student Work Readiness – a University Case Study
urban microclimateTall Building Design Exploration: Designing For Wind Resilience
urban pathologyImplications of Building Accidents in Urban Settings for Building Safety Studies
urban resilienceTall Building Design Exploration: Designing For Wind Resilience
valueSignificance of Culture and Education in Developing Smart Villages in India
VictoriaPreliminary Investigation of the Residential Housing Contractors’ View of the Adoption of BIM Technology
Virtual RealityModelling User Perception of Online Visualisation in Real Estate Marketplaces
WellbeingInclusion and Wellbeing for People with Autism and the Role of Built Environment
Wind FlowTall Building Design Exploration: Designing For Wind Resilience
wind loadTall Building Design Exploration: Designing For Wind Resilience
work readinessFostering Student Work Readiness – a University Case Study