EUNIS 2022: Editor's Preface

EUNIS is the European University Information Systems organisation. Its mission is to help member institutions develop their information technology landscape by sharing knowledge and experience and working together. Learn more on our web site

After two years of virtual on-line Congresses due to the Covid pandemic, the 28th Annual EUNIS Congress was held in the form of a face-to-face participation on 1-3 June, 2022, in the nice city of Göttingen in Germany. It was hosted by the University of Göttingen in close collaboration with the GWDG.

A Pre-Congress day on May 31st included the workshops of the EUNIS working groups.

The theme for EUNIS 2022 was "Good for all in the Digital World", and the program included contributions in the following tracks:

  1. Infrastructure (Information Security, ICT in Research, Standards, Interoperability)
  2. Management (Management Frameworks, Governance and Policies, Open Science, Digital Sovereignty, Business Intelligence)
  3. Teaching & Learning (Student Experience, Student Mobility, Educational Technology)

Besides the high-quality technical program, this event provided a unique opportunity for building relationships and sharing knowledge and experiences in the area of digital transformation in higher education.

For the first time at EUNIS, the papers submitted to the review committee were directly requested as full papers (10-page), by avoiding the first step submission and review of extended (2-page) abstracts.

This procedure met our requirements in terms of simplicity, timing, and quality, and offered a good number of proposals, considering the remaining pandemic situation.

Among the received submissions, 42 of them were accepted. All were presented and are published:

  • 22 papers in the EUNIS European Journal of Higher Education Information Technology.
  • 20 papers in the EasyChair EPIC Series indexed by Scopus.

In addition, invited presentations were given at the Congress by 9 keynote speakers.

EUNIS 2022 is very grateful to all the authors and reviewers.

Special thanks to our loyal reviewers:

Freddy Barstad, Spiros Bolis, Pierre Boudes, Christos Bouras, Elsa Cardoso, Bas Cordewener, Mads Dahl, Mauritz Danielsson, Jean-François Desnos, Carmen Diaz, Yves Epelboin, Antonio Fernández, Gill Ferrell, Susan Grajek, Ramón Grau Sala, Keijo Heljanko, Markus von der Heyde, Constantinos Hilas, Pekka Kähkipuro, Thierry Koscielniak, Dirk Lanwert, Ulrike Lucke, Jan Madey, Stuart McLellan, Lazaros Merakos, Gudrun Oevel, Anna Pacholak, Marius Politze, Wolfgang Radenbach, Nina Reignier-Tayar, Ligia Ribeiro, Manos Roumeliotis, Henryk Rybinski, Yiannis Salmatzidis, Ilkka Siissalo, Tomasz Szmuc, Outi Tasala, Raimund Vogl, Philipp Wieder, Klaas Wierenga, Ramin Yahyapour, Michael Zastrocky.

Grateful thanks to our sponsors:

Cisco, Panasonic (Platinum); Microsoft, Academic Software (Gold); Explorance, Yamaha (Silver); Sigma, Sakai (Bronze); Avixa (Awards).

Jean-François Desnos
Ramin Yahyapour
Raimund Vogl
August 24, 2022