EUNIS 2022: Papers with Abstracts

Abstract. For many years Polish Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have been actively incorporating digital solutions. Through the financial support of the state, as part of the Digital Poland program (carried out from 2014-2020), universities deployed student management systems and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education built central systems collecting data from HEIs. Changes in law introduced in 2019 in higher education, opened the way towards a fully electronic equivalent of the so-called student records folder.
In early 2020, the world faced the COVID-19 pandemic which accelerated the digitalization process advancing forward the transition to remote handling of student information. As a result, many provisions were introduced by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, which sanctioned the replacement of paper documents with electronic ones, provided that their authentication, integrity, non-repudiation and confidentiality are preserved.
The amount and diversity of documents produced in HEIs is substantial. Many of them need to be signed: both for internal use (e.g. student records supporting study processes) and for external use (e.g. documents on student achievements required for further studies or employment). Furthermore, some of these documents travel across borders due to the increasing internationalization of higher education in Europe and beyond.
Polish HEIs range in size from 1,000 to almost 50,000 students and often share the same student management system. Therefore, they would benefit from easy-to-share, customizable, simple to install and use, low-cost solution for storing digital certificates, signing documents and validating their signatures.
The subject of this paper is the eSignForStudy project which addresses these needs. The objective of the project is to design and develop a highly configurable eSignature solution to be used in the Polish higher education area, interoperable with Erasmus Without Paper Network for cross-border digital document validation.
Abstract. The European Campus Card Association (ECCA)1 recently completed a research project on the development of a ‘Proposal for a Trusted Student Identification Framework’2. This involved collaboration with the relevant stakeholders including: HEIs, Students and Service Providers. The purpose of the project was to engage in a process of dialogue to seek out their views and opinions on the needs and requirements of a trusted Student eID Credential that supports cross-border services.
The outcome from the project provides an important foundation to enable the establishment of a European student eID and how it can be a key enabler for secure cross-border electronic transactions, which is central to the Digital Single Market policy. In addition, there is strong evidence of support for EU policies on student mobility enabling access to academic and non-academic services across Europe. The project has identified the stakeholders’ requirements, potential barriers and provides a series of recommendations that are fundamental to its successful development and integration.
The recommendations resulting from the various activities of the Student eID Framework project provide a sequence of important requirements for consideration and evaluation, and include the following: Campus Card/eID; Mobile Devices; Security, Trust and User Authentication; eIDAS; HEI & Services Providers requirements and standards; Legal issues and GDPR; Supporting European Strategy and Initiatives; Engagement and Collaboration with the EU and Stakeholders; Marketing, Dissemination and Promotion of a European Student eID. The project has established a strong collaborative partnership with the relevant stakeholders and provided valuable knowledge and information on the needs and requirements of a European Student eID Credential that supports cross- border services. The outcomes have identified many potential solutions to the obstacles that may be encountered in the task of implementing a student eID by 2025.
Abstract. The digitalisation of educational processes is of increasing interest. The area of student mobility in particular can benefit greatly from digitalised processes. However, the number of projects is constantly increasing, and it is a challenge to keep track of them. Therefore, this paper highlights the diverse and projects in the EU, regarding innovations in digitization of education processes (at EDU, HEI, PEI level) and student mobility administration based on different standards and integration of security are presented, as well as views/results from ongoing projects (EMREX/ELMO, Europass/EDCI, eIDAS, EUid,Verifiable Credentials, DiBiHo, Kolibri, NBP initiative, PIM, OZG implementation for SIS, Self-Souverain Identities SSI).
Future research can address extensive interoperability in detailed Layering Concepts for data and protocols - aiding some existing island solutions in standards and platforms in an independent way, also supporting internationalisation strategies.
Abstract. In the discussion about digital sovereignty, an important goal of the EU, there is always the fear that no one would stand a chance against the big giants from the U.S. which dominate the cloud market thanks to early starts, huge resources and network effects. However, the state-funded open source project “sciebo” proves the opposite, at least in the higher education sector. High data protection is a central argument for using a private cloud service at universities, but this alone does not make it competitive. University-specific functions and integrations – for example in the area of digital teaching or research data management – can be a unique selling point, but for a majority of students and employees the basic sync and share functions seem to be sufficient. So how can a university cloud service compete with commercial offers and what can make it successful in the long term? In a cloud landscape dominated by big players like Microsoft, Apple or Google, who move their established services to the cloud and encourage customers to also use their cloud storage with the arguments of a central account and seamless linkage with their other products, this question needs to be addressed to those at the front line: the users. To investigate the above question, we conducted a user survey, taking the university cloud service “sciebo” as an example, which has been in use at numerous higher education institutions in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia since 2015.
Abstract. Digital transformation of higher education is bringing enormous benefit. Advances in technology and the development of open standards mean that a seamless ‘plug and play’ learning ecosystem is now a reality.
Seamless interoperability, for all its advantages, has so far come with certain risks. How can we be absolutely sure that all of our transactions are fully compliant with strict privacy laws? To date, the only way to achieve this has been to make those transactions less efficient than they could otherwise be.
In this paper we show how the work of the European 1EdTech community is ensuring that European public values influence global innovation. We discuss a set of data privacy principles that the community has developed and see how these are being implemented in practice in the Edu-API standard.
Abstract. The project The FAIR Data Spaces project aims to create a common cloud-based data space for industry and research by connecting services already created in Gaia-X, IDS, NFDI and EOSC, and demonstrates this in its own demonstrators. The demonstrator FAIR Data Quality Analysis and Workflows is giving researchers a platform to define and run workflows for FAIR data, the demonstrator aims to serve as a showcase for a hybrid cloud scale-out scenario. While running user defined workflows on research data stored in git repositories, the essence of the demonstrator is hiding the technical complexity of the hybrid cloud scale-out that is needed to supply the computational power for running the workflow steps. In order to achieve this the demonstrator uses state-of- the-art cloud technologies combined with the most recent developments from the Gaia- X frameworks.
Abstract. This article briefly introduces the scientific evaluation process in Poland and its implications in software development. The process, which is organised by the National Information Processing Institute on behalf of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education is the best developed in Europe in terms of the range of data it processes for parametric evaluation supported by IT systems. The process is highly complex; the most significant difficulty lies in the selection and application of quantitative criterion. This article emphasises the importance of sufficient IT systems to support the process, and pays special attention to the algorithmic problem of selecting the scientific achievements to be assessed optimally.
Abstract. The year 2022 will be crucial for the digital future of the Erasmus administration. The renewal of inter-institutional agreements will be done in a digital fashion and Higher Education Institutions need to support online learning agreements. While many of us are still struggling to make it work, the next digitalisation steps are already awaiting around the corner with nominations and Transcript of Records to be exchanged in a digital manner. Moreover the European Student Identifier will both facilitate data exchanges and ease authentication of students.
During the years to come, the Erasmus Without Paper+ (EWP+) consortium aims to better support universities implementing the digitalisation roadmap. Transparency will be increased by establishing a new governance structure and by sharing more frequent updates for the HEI community about the state of play and next steps. Technical challenges and usability issues in the EWP Dashboard (also known as the Erasmus Dashboard) will be addressed and the EWP Network will improve its services in order to facilitate more efficient data exchanges between universities. Helpdesk services will be further enhanced. Moreover the consortium, together with a wide range of stakeholders, will lay the technical foundations for the further digitalisation of the Erasmus+ administrative processes.
Abstract. There are important lessons to be learnt from actual implementations of enterprise architecture and capability models in higher education. In this paper we draw on three different case studies from France, Finland, and Spain respectively, showcasing both commonalities and important differences. The examples showcase use cases as well as the organisations and processes behind the developments
We argue that one important contribution from these European examples is an understanding of the national differences that need to be accommodated in a standard such as the recently introduced higher education reference model (HERM). One aspect that also becomes obvious from a European perspective is the need for translations–and how language use is closely connected to local variations in the Higher Education models.
Abstract. The HIS-Institute of Higher Education Development (HIS-HE) conducted a nationwide survey among Higher Education leaders about the extent to which the push for digitalization at German higher education institutions related to the COVID-19 pandemic has promoted strategic engagement with digitalization and how such experiences have been integrated into concepts for the future of teaching and learning. The findings show that the effects of the pandemic are most evident in the digitalization of teaching formats, while many infrastructural and technical developments had already been initiated before the pandemic and were at most accelerated.
When the COVID-19-related developments of digitalization are analyzed with regard to structural characteristics of the HEIs represented in the sample, it becomes apparent that there are no fundamental differences between universities and universities of applied sciences. Only the universities of arts and music are distinguished by the fact that the pandemic-related changes are generally smaller and fewer innovations are to be expected after the pandemic.
The range of disciplines of the HEIs also proves to be relevant when comparing HEIs with and without STEM subjects, as the former group shows a significantly greater dynamic of change.
Last but not least, differences can also be found with regard to the existence of a digitalization strategy. Universities with a digitalization strategy not only have a head start in terms of experience, since they already offered online teaching or hybrid formats before the pandemic. Rather, they have changed their teaching and examination formats particularly extensively in the course of the pandemic and are planning to a greater extent to use instruments and formats for digital teaching in the future.
Abstract. This paper discusses the design and implementation of strategic and operational ICT governance at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), a fully online university based in Barcelona, Spain. Governance is shown as a maturity process taking place in recent years, from top-down strategic planning to co-responsibility mechanisms set up between business (management and academy) and IT.
On the strategic level, the organization relies on (a) a robust strategic information systems plan that shields long-term investments and annual funding; (b) a corporate governance body which represents major stakeholders; and (c) a stable funding mechanism for IT investments over time.
In the case of operational governance, portfolio management decisions have been devolved to committees representing major business processes, and new prioritizing procedures following agile models have been put in place. These committees also monitor execution and return on investment.
Lastly, this model has been evaluated through a survey among all participants. We show the results of the assessment.
Abstract. In the context of enterprise architecture management, complex diagrams of proprietary software systems are often created. Working with these diagrams is often not self-explanatory, as multiple layers of information are contained in the overview. Changing the design and style is often not supported within the hierarchical structure of the diagrams and is impossible outside the original software product. Separating content from structure provides a solution to this problem. The use of scalable vector graphics (SVG) not only allows free scaling compared to traditional pixel-based formats, but also the integration of interactive elements (e.g., focus regions) or help texts. Additional animations and graphic design can guide the reader in understanding. As part of the international adaptation of the Global Higher Education Reference Model (HERM) from English to German, a neutral SVG structural template was developed. The adaptation of all designations into any language was automated based on a UTF8 text file containing the translated labels. This simplifies the application and distribution of HERM in the European context.
Abstract. This paper presents an overview of the processes and tools governing the research administration in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in general and Qatar University (QU) in particular. It also encompasses the best practices being employed or to be adopted for smooth sailing of research projects all the way from their inception to closeout. It can serve as a referring point for management to get an eagle view of the present research policies and accordingly take decisions to boost the quality of research outcomes by implementing automated systems such as tracking and monitoring of research activities to tackle the grants in a more effective and productive manner. Moreover, the requirement of a research tracking system (RTS) has been emphasized by proposing a stepwise implementation to manage grants more efficiently both from an administration and management point of views.
In order to detail the implementation of RTS, a brief review of contemporary available grant management systems, applicable to research, has been conducted. The salient features of these systems are studied to develop an in-house solution for the university in the form of web applications using open-source tools. A tailored tracking and monitoring of research activities, from post-award until the closeout of the grants, is a valuable addition that contributes to building best practices for higher education and research institutions.
The system digitally registers the growth of the university awarded grants, in terms of research outcomes. It will intimate the projects’ leaders of their present performance with respect to their peers. The Office of Research Support (ORS) of the university on the other side can track such progress and make informed decisions to improve the performance of its grants.
Abstract. Drawing on the digital experiences of almost 76,000 learners/students, teaching staff and professional services staff from UK further and higher education, this session will explore the successes and challenges of learning, teaching and working online throughout the coronavirus pandemic. COVID-19 and the enforced move to remote engagement meant that all needed to embrace digital practices. It galvanised colleges and universities to push forward with digital transformation projects that may otherwise have taken far longer.

Understanding how students and staff use technology is essential. Jisc has been running the digital experience insights surveys to gather staff and students’ expectations and experiences of technology since 2016, providing valid, representative and actionable data to inform digital transformation.

Alongside Jisc’s work on learning and teaching reimagined and shaping the digital future, the survey findings highlight current digital practices and provide data to inform strategic planning. Knowing what works, what the barriers are and listening to the voices of these key stakeholders as they describe their experiences will help us to further advance digital practice and develop effective models of hybrid and blended models.

Key themes explored in this session include:
* Infrastructure and access to technology
* Support to learn, teach and assess/be assessed online
* Actively engaging all stakeholders as partners in online digital education
* Wellbeing when learning, teaching or working online

Delegates will takeaway from the sessions:
1. An overview of the findings from the learner/student, teaching staff and professional services surveys (with digital copies of each of the reports)
2. Opportunities to reflect on how these findings align or differ from their own experiences, engage in discussions and share practice on approaches to digital transformation
Abstract. This paper takes a policy perspective on the development and governance of Business Capability Models in Higher Education. In particular, we look at the next steps in international collaboration around the Higher Education Reference Model (HERM) launched in 2021. The motivation is to highlight the European challenges and contributions to this concept. To do so, the paper draws on insights from the EUNIS EA SIG community. The paper also argues that ongoing work in the domain of interoperability underscores the importance of a common framework such as HERM. At the same time, EUNIS can build upon those experiences when collaborating on the development of HERM. The main recommendation of the paper is that EUNIS in general and the EA SIG, in particular, should actively engage in the future development of HERM. More specifically, we see a need to focus on the implications of translating the model into the broader European context.
Abstract. People are typically identified as key assets for a successful IT organisation, and this is particularly true for HE institutions where the level of outsourcing is often lower than in other sectors. Therefore, we need a way for ensuring that the IT organisation’s skills and capabilities reflect the institutional strategy and there is a solid process for identifying and addressing possible gaps.
Traditional approaches, such as IT skills frameworks, are well suited for analysing and addressing technical and content-specific skills development, but they do not provide a convenient way of addressing non-technical skills development.
This paper provides an approach for analysing the requirements for non-technical skills and for addressing them with appropriate development activities. The approach is based on identifying key business capabilities of a HE institution and mapping them into a categorisation that provides the required guidance for competency assessment and development. The approach can be combined with traditional approaches for technical skills analysis, hence providing a comprehensive tool for translating strategy into relevant skills and competency development actions.
Abstract. This article investigates cross-institutional collaboration of European Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) from a policy perspective, using virtual mobility as a case study. In the framework of policy experimentation, two instruments to provide an evidence basis are examined: policy dialogues between high-level authorities, institutional policymakers and practitioners, and evaluation of local implementations of existing policies. We describe these instruments along with the results obtained, reflect on the methodology used, and we finally derive recommendations for the policy process.
Abstract. Digivisio 2030, a joint programme between Finnish universities and universities of applied sciences, will bring greater opportunities for all learners to learn flexibly. The aim is to restructure Finland’s higher education over the next decade by means of digitalization and collaboration and to make Finland a model country for flexible learning.
The project will develop common procedures for higher education institutions and create a shared digital service platform. Other key areas for development include digital pedagogy and guidance based on the learner's path and shared data.
The aim is that degree students, lifelong learners and those without a student place can study flexibly, selecting courses from all Finnish higher education institutions irrespective of organizational boundaries and geographical location. By implementing the vision, Finnish higher education institutions can create a robust international competitive edge for Finland as a society and for every citizen as a learner.
Abstract. Epistemic cognition has been found to positively predict academic achievement. However, measuring epistemic cognition has proved to be problematic. In the last decade, learning analytics has emerged as a field of study and practice with new means to collect data on different types of psychological constructs.
This study focuses on a learning analytics tool, a structured learning diary, and its connections with self-reported epistemic beliefs. Connections between these and academic achievement are investigated at four temporal measurement points. The first aim was to test which measures of the diary tool correlated with academic achievement. The second aim was to test epistemic beliefs' correlation with academic achievement. Models of linear regression were then designed and tested at different times.
The results show that we should collect student-originated behaviour data for the best predictive power and connect that with independent psychological measures.
Abstract. Digital transformation has occurred across the education sector over the last two years. Whether as an acceleration of a planned strategy or an emergency response, changing assessment practice has been a priority.
We have learned lessons about equity, about learning design and about interoperability. We have seen success stories and consistently high levels of student attainment. A move away from traditional unseen exams to other forms of assessment has seen many students, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, perform better.
Assessment is central to the educational process. Done well, it drives improvement, shapes student behaviour and provides accountability to employers and others. It can also be a source of dissatisfaction, frustration and anxiety. Does it assess the right things? Does it take place at the right points in the learning journey? Is it susceptible to cheating? Existing and emerging technologies are starting to play a role in changing assessment practice and could help address these issues.
This paper will discuss the outcomes from a recent Jisc review and survey of the UK higher education assessment and feedback landscape and how a principle informed approach can drive effective practice supported by the use of technology.
Through consultation with higher education organisations, and a review of the current literature, a new set of principles for assessment and feedback have been developed. The principles offer an actionable way to improve learning teaching and assessment and can be applied to any aspect of learning design underpinned by the effective application of technology.
We illustrate these principles in practice with examples from France, the Netherlands and the UK.